Dear Prudence,
I am currently five weeks pregnant, and I didn’t intend to be. I have a 6-month-old. My husband and I want a second child, but we don’t feel that we’ll be ready for a second child when our firstborn is only 15 months old. I’m hoping to start a new job soon, and most employers don’t give employees the full scope of their family leave policy until the employee has been with the company at least a year. I also very much think of myself as still being in a postpartum phase—I’m not ready to jump back into pregnancy already. I was just pregnant! I keep taking test after test in the hopes that I’m not actually pregnant. I’m a card-carrying progressive, I’ve volunteered at and donated to Planned Parenthood for years, and reproductive rights is the No. 1 issue for me in choosing a political candidate to support. Yet it seems that I’ve internalized some anti-choice thinking, despite my best efforts. I feel ashamed, and guilty, and overwhelmed by this situation, like I should just live with the consequences of my actions. Abortion is legal and accessible to me, it feels the logical choice to make, and my husband agrees. Why can’t I shake this feeling that I’m a bad person for doing this?
—Get Ted Cruz Out of My Head and Out of My Uterus