I was recently invited to be a bridesmaid in my sister-in-law's wedding next year, and was very excited and happy to accept. The bride and groom have one sibling each and the groom's sister will be a bridesmaid in the wedding as well.
I was surprised and hurt to find out today that my husband, the bride's only sibling, will not be asked to be a groomsmen. We had assumed that because I (the bride's sister-in-law) was asked to be a part of the bridal party that he would be as well. The reason that was given is that the groom and my husband are not very close.
My husband is very hurt that he is the only family member excluded from being a part of the bridal party. I'm also hurt that he is being excluded and am thinking of stepping down as a bridesmaid. I could really use some advice on next steps. What should I do?