Wedding Party

MOH + their plus one

My cousin is my MOH and had a boyfriend at the time. I clearly stated to everyone that our wedding guests will be parents and siblings only. MOH’s mom was the only one offended she wasn’t invited and wouldn’t drop the subject. MOH then breaks up with her boyfriend and she tells me her mom is taking her boyfriends place as her plus one. Is it wrong of me to tell her mom she’s not allowed as a plus one? It’s not fair to my fiancés family or the rest of my family who respected our wishes. 

Re: MOH + their plus one

  • geebee908geebee908 member
    Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its 500 Comments First Answer
    edited January 2022
    My cousin is my MOH and had a boyfriend at the time. I clearly stated to everyone that our wedding guests will be parents and siblings only. MOH’s mom was the only one offended she wasn’t invited and wouldn’t drop the subject. MOH then breaks up with her boyfriend and she tells me her mom is taking her boyfriends place as her plus one. Is it wrong of me to tell her mom she’s not allowed as a plus one? It’s not fair to my fiancés family or the rest of my family who respected our wishes. 
    You should clarify to your MOH that her former boyfriend was invited as her significant other, since they were a social unit at the time and it would've been rude to invite her without him. Tell her that a plus-one is a guest of an invited guest, and no one invited to the wedding was given that option, so her mom is still not invited to be the guest of the MOH.
  • That is perfect! Thank you so much
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