I am getting married in October of 2022 and my only sister was asked to be in my friance’s bridal party last night. She accepted the request and was apparently happy…. Later in the evening she texted me asking if her husband was included in mine. I responded that as we are only having a 10 person (total) wedding party he was not as he was my 6th choice… I have a vert close knit group of 5 friends who I could nor would I ever want to pick and choose from. Please note I was in her husbands wedding party as they value family being included although I am not extremely close with the husband.
Well…. she completely lost it and told me I do not value family and that I do not see them as a married couple. She is more family oritented than I am which she decided to point out but I do agree. Her husband said he be attending the wedding and stormed off from their house to go talk with his dad… He is a very emotional guy and flies off the handle quite often as little and big things set him off. He is very opinionated and finds it hard to hear a different opinion than his own. Anyways, I would love your input as to whether I am in the wrong or if this is something I should not worry about.