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Thin, Long and Straight Hair Inspiration

Hey everyone! I have pretty thin and pin straight hair that goes down to the small of my back. My original thoughts for wedding hair was to do a half-up, half-down look with curls but my hair does not hold curls well at all. I've tried several different curling irons, a lot of hair spray, etc. It didn't hold for either of my high school proms so I don't have hopes of that being different if curling for my wedding. I'm not a huge fan of how I look with my hair either so I'm at a total loss. I'm thinking I should just leave it straight and do a very simple half-up, half-down since I'll be wearing a veil but I'm needing some advice/ideas for that as I haven't seen many good ideas as everyone seems to prefer curled hair for formal events. I've considered extensions to add volume and apparently could make curling last better but my hair is naturally a strawberry blonde color so I'm not confident in finding affordable extensions that would blend well and I 100% don't want to color my hair at all. Please advise!

Re: Thin, Long and Straight Hair Inspiration

  • I have hair a lot like yours.  Long and straight.  Although the strands are thin, I have a lot of them, so my hair appears full.  The only way I can get it to hold a curl is to leave it in curlers the night before.

    On the rare occasion I want my hair to have curls...because it is a production! for either myself or my hairdresser (if I'm using one) to put my hair in curlers the day before.  Sleep in curlers.  And then have the hair taken out of the curlers as close to my "go time", as possible, without stressing out that there won't be enough time.

    If I do them myself, here are the steps.  1/2 inch to 1 inch wide hair grouping.  Use a spray bottle with water to mist the grouping.  Do not get it too wet!.  Just misted, so it's slightly damp.  Do that with all the hair you want curled.  Takes me 60-90 minutes to do all my hair.

    Once you're done, spray the curled hair with hair spray liberally.

    When you are ready to take the curls out the next day, they will look like "Medusa snakes", lol.  Gently pull apart each curl.  Do not brush your curled hair at all!  You will lose a lot of the curling, if you do.  But, because it's been in rollers, it stays pretty smooth anyway.  Usually a bit of gentle tossing my hair at/around the scalp with my fingers is the last step to make it look like naturally flowing curls.  Then hair spraying , once it looks the way you want it to.

    It takes me 30-45 minutes the next day for all of that.

    But a warning.  Even all of that is still not a miracle.  It buys me 3-5 hours of good curls before they start losing the curl.

    A massive time saver, though you won't have as deep or as many curls, is to put your hair in a ponytail the night before first.  Then just put curlers in the hair coming out of the ponytail.  Takes about 20 minutes.  Another 5-10 minutes the next day to take the curlers out.  But it nicely adds some loose curls to the bottom "third to half" of your hair. 
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  • MobKazMobKaz member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited March 2022
    Does it have to be curled?  Just googling long straight hair wedding inspiration came up with lots of lovely ideas….

  • Hii, I have also thin and straight hair. I have tried some of the things but they didn't work and now my wedding is next year in Feb hope I will find some solution for me also...
  • Following this thread as I also have long, fine hair that doesn't hold a curl!
  • hey how i can we stop hair loss?
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