Wedding Woes


Ugh, my depression has come roaring back.  I'm trying not to be mean to myself about it; there's plenty of shit going on that I don't need to add to my own hurt.

I have a friend who lives down the road from me who has a private rooftop patio.  He's invited a few friends over to drink wine and eat this evening, so that'll be fun.  Sunday I'm roadtripping with my friend, N.  N is running for our state's bearded queen pageant, so we are going to go see another state's pageant, to kinda see what the system is looking for.  I'm not familiar with bearded drag at all, so this will be a fun learning experience.  Tulsa is also going to be there and he's suddenly been chatting me up.  He's such a sweetheart, but I am not in the mood.  We are staying at a resort though, 2 pools, a club in the hotel, and loads of other amenities and it's specifically for the queer community.  Now, this might be super fun for me or it might end up being me with a load of gay men....again.  Coming home on Monday.

Nothing much else.  I have a movie I want to watch this weekend and that's about it.

Re: FriYay

  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited May 2022
    Boo to depression and yay to fun weekend plans. 

    I am fully exhausted from last night. Not only did I get home super late, but then DH and I sat up and shot the shit even later. The concert was fun. We had club level seats and in the front row, so we had an unobstructed view of the stage.   NKOTB are showing their age.  I yelled things at Donnie Wahlburg like, "Your wife's an anti-vaxxer!" LMAO Salt N Pepa were by far the best act of the night.  En Vogue and Rick Astley were also a good time.  But the Hey Dudes DH got as my Mother's Day gift were clutch.  Great concert/walking around shoes. 

    DH and DefConn are at the track today watching Grand Prix practice for the IndyCar road race this weekend. 

    Tonight our friends are coming over for dinner, I think.  I'm making pizzas no matter what. Hee.  Not quite sure on the rest of the weekend.  Definitely sleep. 
  • @VarunaTT you've had a really rough time lately, please be gentle on yourself. Do try to go for a walk if it's nice out. Idk if it'll help at all, but the fresh air is nice.
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Boo to depression and yay to fun weekend plans. 

    I am fully exhausted from last night. Not only did I get home super late, but then DH and I sat up and shot the shit even later. The concert was fun. We had club level seats and in the front row, so we had an unobstructed view of the stage.   NKOTB are showing their age.  I yelled things at Donnie Wahlburg like, "Your wife's an anti-vaxxer!" LMAO Salt N Pepa were by far the best act of the night.  En Vogue and Rick Astley were also a good time.  But the Hey Dudes DH got as my Mother's Day gift were clutch.  Great concert/walking around shoes. 

    DH and DefConn are at the track today watching Grand Prix practice for the IndyCar road race this weekend. 

    Tonight our friends are coming over for dinner, I think.  I'm making pizzas no matter what. Hee.  Not quite sure on the rest of the weekend.  Definitely sleep. 
    You might as well be sending me some pics!
  • Oh and I found a tucked away parking garage last night that was 1/2 the price of anywhere else.  The guy told me it's their flat fee for any events. I told DH we needed to keep it in mind. I was so stoked because downtown parking is major reason I avoid it like the plague. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Oh and I found a tucked away parking garage last night that was 1/2 the price of anywhere else.  The guy told me it's their flat fee for any events. I told DH we needed to keep it in mind. I was so stoked because downtown parking is major reason I avoid it like the plague. 
    Ugh you reminded me when I see my boyfriend Dave Matthews next month that we literally walk a mile from where we park. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Boo to depression and yay to fun weekend plans. 

    I am fully exhausted from last night. Not only did I get home super late, but then DH and I sat up and shot the shit even later. The concert was fun. We had club level seats and in the front row, so we had an unobstructed view of the stage.   NKOTB are showing their age.  I yelled things at Donnie Wahlburg like, "Your wife's an anti-vaxxer!" LMAO Salt N Pepa were by far the best act of the night.  En Vogue and Rick Astley were also a good time.  But the Hey Dudes DH got as my Mother's Day gift were clutch.  Great concert/walking around shoes. 

    DH and DefConn are at the track today watching Grand Prix practice for the IndyCar road race this weekend. 

    Tonight our friends are coming over for dinner, I think.  I'm making pizzas no matter what. Hee.  Not quite sure on the rest of the weekend.  Definitely sleep. 
    H is at the track today too. I'm enjoying a day alone! He is missing the race this year because of our twice postponed trip to Europe.
  • Urg busy weekends continue.

    Tomorrow after gymnastics we're dropping BK with my mum at a farmers market. She's sleeping over because we have a dinner theater thing from SFIL's parents anniversary.
    M & I are going for a sushi lunch because dinner isn't until late and we usually eat too much lol
    I'm hoping I can get the bathroom painted in the afternoon and have M start cleaning up the yard. BK's water table needs a good hose down and possible scrub - but we're starting with pressure washer lol
    I may try to see if M has time to clean up the BBQ so we can start using it. I wanted him to build a side table but unknown if he'll have time.
    I suggested worse case scenario he does it Sunday and I can have BK out back at least.

    Fall sign up for gymnastics opened up and it's now a "parents watch" It's still a 3-4 age class but BK is kind of a flight risk :\ 
    Our hope is that with kindergarten she'll realize she can't just take off {which she doesn't at preschool} and maybe us away from her doing it, she won't.
  • short+sassyshort+sassy member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited May 2022
    I am having a really hard time this week.  I am completely overwhelmed, exhausted, and feel like I'm just falling apart.  And today is going to be another s**t day, but I have to push through.

    I've been avoiding the local news since yesterday because there was a big bill up for vote that was sheer horror, in regards to reproductive health.  I am already on the edge and my emotions couldn't handle more bad news.  I didn't even bring it up on WW this week, because it literally made my stomach sick to even talk/think about.

    But I was scrolling reddit earlier and a headline from my local sub said it didn't pass.  At least that was some really good news and I'm relieved.  Though this place is still such a s**t show.


    So now I can talk about.  This bill was so bad, that even most pro-life groups were opposing it.  And I'm talking heavy hitter pro-life groups (Louisiana Right to Life, the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the National Right to Life Committee).

    For some of the most atrocious highlights.  "Life begins at fertilization"...which could actually be used to ban IUDs and Plan B bills, with the way those work.  It's also very problematic for fertility clinics and their clients.

    All abortions are illegal, even medically necessary ones.  I think there was one exception where if the mother was absolutely going to die unless an abortion happened, then it was okay.  But it better be with "no question" she would have died.  Or the medical staff and the woman could be charged with murder.  
    No exceptions for victims of rape and incest.  Because, obviously //s.

    Opening the door for women who suffer a miscarriage to be questioned by the police.  Just to make sure she didn't actually have an abortion or purposefully do something to cause the miscarriage.

    And my personal favorite.  Because it could have ramifications WAY beyond this issue and include...everything:

    A declaration that any federal law, regulation or court ruling that allows abortion is void and that any judge who blocks enforcement of the bill’s provisions could be impeached.

    Everybody, even the people who wrote the bill, acknowledge that part is unconstitutional.  But the proponents argued it was still necessary, despite that.

    My conspiracy theory is that this bat-s**t crazy bill was put together so that people, in comparison, will be more tolerant of the slightly less repressive "trigger law" that's already in place.  Which will ban abortions in this state when there is a heartbeat, ie about 6 weeks.

    Edited for a word/grammar
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Sorry @short+sassy that it's been so rough.  I saw the news about that bill being proposed.  I also really could not with it since it was so egregious.  While I'm glad it was not passed, it's in no way any sort of 'win'.  I agree with your theory that it was proposed to force down 'looser' regulations. 

    No fuckers, it's all bad.  Stay. Out. Of. People's. Bodies. 
  • @levioosa, sounds like the interview for the other job went well!  Hopefully they make an even better offer and it doesn't even matter what the old job counters.

    I think that was a good move sending your old job a counter-offer.  I'd think most companies wouldn't say "pfft, no way" and pull their job offer.  I think they worst they would do is say, "Sorry, we can't do any of that.

    And, if they don't accept it, it seems most likely would counter-back giving you some of the things.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @levioosa, I don't think any of that was too ballsy. It's true, men ask for this stuff all of the time. The reality is that even though you're unemployed, you never have as much leverage to negotiate with your employer as you do before you work there. Once you're there, inertia will have you staying through a lot of bullshit. You already know it's going to be bullshit; you might as well get what you need.

    Today I learned why I shouldn't schedule doctor's appointments on Friday the 13th. It's probably nothing and the reality is that it would have been the same if I'd gone yesterday. But still, she told me that I have a mass and wants to do some imagining. So that's going to be fun and expensive. 

    Nothing much going on this weekend, finally. I'm hoping to do my long run at the flat park tomorrow, then chores and maybe dinner out. Game on Sunday. 
  • @short+sassy yeh I think it's Louisiana that wants to penalize IUD also ... WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK PEOPLE
  • Ugh, I’m so sorry @MyNameIsNot. I hope it turns out to be nothing! 

  • kerbohlkerbohl member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    @MyNameIsNot That's scary - I hope that it is nothing!

    @VarunaTT I'm sorry that your depression is kicking in, that's really hard.  Hopefully this weekend alleviates it.

    @banana468 I hope that you have fun camping!  I love camping.  Unlike you, @CharmedPam I have not yet evolved to campers over tents.  We spent way too much money on our fancy medieval tent to move to a camper.

    @short+sassy Wow, that is insane!  I can't imagine criminalizing something like an IUD.  They are a godsend for people that can't take hormonal birth control (if you get the copper one).  If I couldn't get an IUD, hubby would be getting the snip snip.  He might have to get it anyway though, we're going to revisit that in a few years.

    I am wiped, and I had a short week.  Can't wait to be done.  Work is about to get crazy again for me, another training class.  And it's planting season and I haven't started, and my yard is a mess, and I still have part of a piano I have to take apart and refinish my cabinets before August .... I need a couple weeks off to get stuff done!

  • @charlotte989875 are you okay? I just saw the news. How awful. 

  • levioosa said:
    @charlotte989875 are you okay? I just saw the news. How awful. 
    Thanks for checking in. We’re okay. Utterly filled with rage. My friend & mentor lost her MIL. I have friend that live blocks from where it happened. It’s all awful and I’m filled with rage. 
  • I’m so so sorry charlotte. It’s absolutely tragic and horrible and senseless. 

  • OMG @charlotte989875!  that's terrible and I'm so sorry.  I was also thinking of you.  I'm glad you're OK, but what a fucking horrific act of terrorism.  
  • @charlotte989875 Omg, how awful. I'm so sorry! 
  • @charlotte989875 I'm so sorry - it's horrific

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