Wedding Woes

Q is a user, not a 'friend'.

Dear Prudence,

One of my neighbors is my closest friend, and another couple that lives nearby is part of our friend group. The wife of that couple (let’s call her Q because she likes to refer to herself as “Queen”) seems jealous of the friendship between my neighbor and me. She repeatedly demanded we be her best friends and that we were not including her enough, though she never invited us anywhere. Whenever I would say I had plans that didn’t include her, she would guilt trip me. I have been a friend to Q and invited her to my home to many parties, but between work, family, and other commitments, I don’t have more time to devote to her—which I’ve expressed to her.

Q and her husband have also been quite rude. They never bring food or drinks to our home when we cook out and ask them to bring something, then they invite themselves to our expensive liquor; they bring their own guests over when we ask for them not to; and they stay at our home hours after we ask them to leave. I feel like they use us for a good time and to swim in our pool. She even “broke up” with me through a text in the winter and didn’t speak to me until it got hot and then she wanted to hangout. Now that I’ve been distant, she has made pointed social media posts calling names to the friends she “lost.” Our financial situation has also changed, and we don’t have as many parties because it’s so expensive now, and our kids take up more of our time and disposable income.

My husband wants me to repair the relationship, but I feel uncomfortable around Q. Am I being overly dramatic, and how would you suggest moving forward with her? I would love to stay cordial, but I don’t want the emotional stress of being her friend.

— Girl Problems

Re: Q is a user, not a 'friend'.

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    Q is not your friend.  She's a user and her H is a user and she wants to "be your friend" while you're of use to her.  That she's already presented herself as one-sided shows you what you need to know.

    Be cordial and not her friend because she isn't yours. 
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    “hey, Q… we always have the parties at my place.  Have you ever thought of hosting?”

    i mean not EVERY month can be swimming season. 

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    If you ever feel a temptation to scoop up all your "good" liquor and hide it in a bedroom closet so your friend doesn't drink most of is time to reevaluate that friendship.

    I wonder what the close friend thinks about it.  Does she have the same complaints?

    I used to manage a big gas station.  We had a semi-regular customer who had a fully detailed out lavender car with the word "Duchess" across the entire back of it.  My first impression that I don't control when someone regularly calls themselves "Queen" or "Duchess", is that there is a better than average chance they are entitled and full of themselves.  (She was very nice for the little bit I interacted with her)

    During one of her visits, she bought alcohol.  She looked young enough I needed to ask for her ID...state policy is anyone who looks under 30 and store policy is under 40.  Her legal first name was Duchess!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    If you ever feel a temptation to scoop up all your "good" liquor and hide it in a bedroom closet so your friend doesn't drink most of is time to reevaluate that friendship.

    I wonder what the close friend thinks about it.  Does she have the same complaints?

    I used to manage a big gas station.  We had a semi-regular customer who had a fully detailed out lavender car with the word "Duchess" across the entire back of it.  My first impression that I don't control when someone regularly calls themselves "Queen" or "Duchess", is that there is a better than average chance they are entitled and full of themselves.  (She was very nice for the little bit I interacted with her)

    During one of her visits, she bought alcohol.  She looked young enough I needed to ask for her ID...state policy is anyone who looks under 30 and store policy is under 40.  Her legal first name was Duchess!
    Aren't some people also legally named "Princess"?  I feel like I've seen that before.  I would be changing my name if it were me, but it's not that it's bad name, I just .... don't fit the "duchess" or "princess" profile.  Since I do so much medieval stuff, maybe "lady" would fit.  A lot of people call me "my lady" at events.

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    kerbohl said:
    If you ever feel a temptation to scoop up all your "good" liquor and hide it in a bedroom closet so your friend doesn't drink most of is time to reevaluate that friendship.

    I wonder what the close friend thinks about it.  Does she have the same complaints?

    I used to manage a big gas station.  We had a semi-regular customer who had a fully detailed out lavender car with the word "Duchess" across the entire back of it.  My first impression that I don't control when someone regularly calls themselves "Queen" or "Duchess", is that there is a better than average chance they are entitled and full of themselves.  (She was very nice for the little bit I interacted with her)

    During one of her visits, she bought alcohol.  She looked young enough I needed to ask for her ID...state policy is anyone who looks under 30 and store policy is under 40.  Her legal first name was Duchess!
    Aren't some people also legally named "Princess"?  I feel like I've seen that before.  I would be changing my name if it were me, but it's not that it's bad name, I just .... don't fit the "duchess" or "princess" profile.  Since I do so much medieval stuff, maybe "lady" would fit.  A lot of people call me "my lady" at events.
    This is common in Asian countries to name things like Princess etc

    We have 2 clients with that type of name - both are Asian in the sense of like Singapore, or Thailand {not sure where}
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    Parents get REALLY creative when naming their kids.  My mom would come home on the first day of school as a teacher and giggle.  

    As for the neighbors, this person seems to have a SERIOUS sense of entitlement.  

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    kerbohl said:
    If you ever feel a temptation to scoop up all your "good" liquor and hide it in a bedroom closet so your friend doesn't drink most of is time to reevaluate that friendship.

    I wonder what the close friend thinks about it.  Does she have the same complaints?

    I used to manage a big gas station.  We had a semi-regular customer who had a fully detailed out lavender car with the word "Duchess" across the entire back of it.  My first impression that I don't control when someone regularly calls themselves "Queen" or "Duchess", is that there is a better than average chance they are entitled and full of themselves.  (She was very nice for the little bit I interacted with her)

    During one of her visits, she bought alcohol.  She looked young enough I needed to ask for her ID...state policy is anyone who looks under 30 and store policy is under 40.  Her legal first name was Duchess!
    Aren't some people also legally named "Princess"?  I feel like I've seen that before.  I would be changing my name if it were me, but it's not that it's bad name, I just .... don't fit the "duchess" or "princess" profile.  Since I do so much medieval stuff, maybe "lady" would fit.  A lot of people call me "my lady" at events.
    This is common in Asian countries to name things like Princess etc

    We have 2 clients with that type of name - both are Asian in the sense of like Singapore, or Thailand {not sure where}
    It is pretty common in a lot of cultures to give children names of traits you hope they have. Hope, Joy, Innocent (Innocence), Princess, King, Faith, Honor,  Chasity.... Those are just the ones off the top of my head.
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    kerbohl said:
    If you ever feel a temptation to scoop up all your "good" liquor and hide it in a bedroom closet so your friend doesn't drink most of is time to reevaluate that friendship.

    I wonder what the close friend thinks about it.  Does she have the same complaints?

    I used to manage a big gas station.  We had a semi-regular customer who had a fully detailed out lavender car with the word "Duchess" across the entire back of it.  My first impression that I don't control when someone regularly calls themselves "Queen" or "Duchess", is that there is a better than average chance they are entitled and full of themselves.  (She was very nice for the little bit I interacted with her)

    During one of her visits, she bought alcohol.  She looked young enough I needed to ask for her ID...state policy is anyone who looks under 30 and store policy is under 40.  Her legal first name was Duchess!
    Aren't some people also legally named "Princess"?  I feel like I've seen that before.  I would be changing my name if it were me, but it's not that it's bad name, I just .... don't fit the "duchess" or "princess" profile.  Since I do so much medieval stuff, maybe "lady" would fit.  A lot of people call me "my lady" at events.
    Just from my experience of checking IDs for 1,000s of people in that job, no.  "Titles" as names was exceedingly rare.

    But that could be area-specific.  It could also be age-related.  For the most part, I was checking IDs for people born in a 20-year time frame.

    If I'm doing my math right...especially since I have to account for working there almost 15 years ago, lol...people born from the mid to late 60s through mid to late 80s.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    You know what bothered me the most? Is that the LW signed this "girl problems". 

    But also, it's a husband problem. Why does your H want to be friends with these people? 

    I dated a guy in my 20s/30s that had a friend that pulled similar shit. If I ever posted a picture of anything he even assumed was an event with other people, he'd comment "thanks for the invite". I finally got so angry one day I commented back "I didn't realize I had to invite you over every time I felt like cooking dinner". Dick. 
  • Options
    kerbohl said:
    If you ever feel a temptation to scoop up all your "good" liquor and hide it in a bedroom closet so your friend doesn't drink most of is time to reevaluate that friendship.

    I wonder what the close friend thinks about it.  Does she have the same complaints?

    I used to manage a big gas station.  We had a semi-regular customer who had a fully detailed out lavender car with the word "Duchess" across the entire back of it.  My first impression that I don't control when someone regularly calls themselves "Queen" or "Duchess", is that there is a better than average chance they are entitled and full of themselves.  (She was very nice for the little bit I interacted with her)

    During one of her visits, she bought alcohol.  She looked young enough I needed to ask for her ID...state policy is anyone who looks under 30 and store policy is under 40.  Her legal first name was Duchess!
    Aren't some people also legally named "Princess"?  I feel like I've seen that before.  I would be changing my name if it were me, but it's not that it's bad name, I just .... don't fit the "duchess" or "princess" profile.  Since I do so much medieval stuff, maybe "lady" would fit.  A lot of people call me "my lady" at events.
    I always wonder if growing up with a name like that would influence whether you perceived yourself as the "princess type." 

    FWIW, I do actually know a woman named Lady. 
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