Wedding Woes

Monday again

CharmedPamCharmedPam member
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edited July 2022 in Wedding Woes
How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was good. We’re all worried about SIL who’s still in the hospital in St. Louis but her mom & sister are with her, so we’re not going to overcrowd.  Saturday was boating, kyaking, and dinner at the Marina. Sunday was rain all day so we saw “where the crawdads sing” and dinner.

I was supposed to leave early to head home. One of my friends wants me to attend his game night.  But it’s not the board games like you and I are thinking. He says they’re non traditional ones.  So i’m not too too excited to go. I gave him a heads up yesterday that I may be staying in the area, depending on my SIL. 2 years ago when I was running my infedelity group, I had some cabinets for my kitchen reno delivered to my house early. It was on a night of the groups zoom call, so I called him and said he’d have to take over the meeting because I was on my way to home depot to get something to move these.  He offered to come over and help.  I accepted.  I also paid him $40 for gas/time (and he doesn’t live more than 20 minutes away). Wouldn’t you know it? He’s brought up this good deed like 8 times to me already.  Almost everytime we talk.
He did it again yesterday when he asked if he could do anything for me. I roll my eyes at his “help” though. He also brings up all the good deeds he does for everyone else ALL THE TIME.  Trying to get all this validation for being “a good person” negates the fact that you’re a good person.  So honestly I’m turned off by going to this game night, that starts so early in the evening I’d have to uber it to the place downtown Chicago and take time off work for.

also a true LOL from me

Re: Monday again

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    My morning has been very up and down.  The boys slept until almost 7 today, YAY! Except that G was NOT into going to school and was raging for about 20 minutes, H didn't handle it well and he and I got into a tiff, we decided G should stay home (he would have only been to school 3 days this week and then out until mid-september because of treatment, so we're not too worried about setting a precedent for giving into tantrums).  N was just smiling and babbling the whole time, so that's a silver lining I guess.  And I'm wearing a new dress that I got for $10 last week and i'm excited about it.  

    I need to get my butt in gear at work and my personal life.  I was super good about working out for about 6 weeks when I came back to work, but have gotten out of it in the last month again.  Making a point to take that time every day this week even if it's just a 20 minute walk break outside.  I also need to get my shit together so i don't feel like total fuckup when i get a new boss soon.  

    We had a pretty good weekend, saw all the IL's on Saturday afternoon.  Our niece is 4 months old and getting super duper cute and starting to interact more!  Yesterday we had a lazy morning then took the boys to Costco because G requested "samples" for lunch, lol.  

    My feet have grown in the last 6 months and i'm real annoyed about it.  I know it can happen because of pregnancy but I figured it would happen sooner if it was going to.  Now a lot of my shoes are uncomfortable and I have a LOT of shoes.  Going to try and sell what I can (especially my rothy's, there's usually a decent resale market) but other than marketplace, does anyone have specific sites you've had good luck with?  I've never done poshmark or mercari, they seem like more work than it's worth, but idk?

    Sorry for the novel, i haven't posted in a while!  Hope everyone had a good weekend!

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    Good people don't brag about what they're doing and when they do it on repeat their goodness is out the window.

    We had a good and packed weekend.  Saturday was pancake breakfast at the marina and then we packed up and went back there for the afternoon for our town's annual celebration day.  I didn't love the street vendors (I would have loved more quality street food) but it was great to see it back in action again.  Fireworks were lit off in the bay and loved them.  We hung out with a friend of Chiquita's and her mom who is my friend.  It was nice to catch up.

    Yesterday was mass where I cantored and messed up but I think I'm redeemed (pun intentional) and then we took the kids to the carnival associated with the town celebration day (it sucked but was over fast) and then for a boat ride.   It's gross and pouring here and Chiquita left her lunch here so I anticipate a hungry kid later.

    I debated bringing it to her but I think i need to push her to actually pay attention. 

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    Casadena said:
    We had a pretty good weekend, saw all the IL's on Saturday afternoon.  Our niece is 4 months old and getting super duper cute and starting to interact more!  Yesterday we had a lazy morning then took the boys to Costco because G requested "samples" for lunch, lol.  
    I like G's style!

    I had a productive weekend.  We did put our bathroom pantry organizers together.  They're not as perfect for the space as I would have liked them to be, but were better than I thought!  I was able to fit everything we previously had in the pantry, with room for more.

    We went to the Nefertari exhibit at NOMA.  It was great, although crowded.  It's amazing how vibrant some of the painted colors are, even after 3,000 years.  I thought the little make-up containers and even brushes, were especially interesting.

    There was a long piece of papyrus that was an account from that time, about the "Harem Assassination".  One of the pharaohs was attacked by his second wife and their son.  He initially survived the attack, but died 17 days later.  The ancient world's version of a true crime story, lol.

    Update about my "work move".  I was able to get a slightly better cube.  Still too close to the printer and plotter, but at least not directly across from them and I'll mostly be away from the "foot traffic".  It's also a more spacious cube.

    I also have the potential to improve my location further within the next few weeks.  The back wall of the room I will be in, was damaged almost a year ago by Hurricane Ida.  They are fixing that wall soon and, after they do, there will be cubes on the back wall next to windows.  I'm already angling for one of those!  We shall see.  I'm feeling a little better about things.
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    My 4 day weekend was lovely.  I almost cried when BFF left yesterday, but I also relished the alone time by that point.  There were a lot of people in and out since Wednesday night.  The party was so good, I just had so much fun, laughed my face off, enjoyed my people, enjoyed watching them enjoy each was just amazing.  BFF was entirely good for my soul and I do feel rejuvanted.  We talked through some things that he's good at seeing for me talked about our parents, futures, and just random "talking our faces off" things.  I am rather people'd out though and I just told L that I wouldn't be hosting the Grand Prix this weekend b/c I needed alone time.

    Then, we made a dating profile for me on Bumble.  Within 10 minutes, a man that I LOATHE, I mean absolutely loathe with every fiber of my being and this man absolutely knows it (there's a massive history here), tried to connect with me.  The actual f*****g audacity.  I just looked at BFF and said, "This right here?  This is the shit I just can't".  We'll see if I keep the profile up, not many profiles are making it through my filters (and they are non-negotiable to me...religion, politics, and kids).  Also, in working through a mental health workbook about being single, IDK if I really am ready for even casual dating yet.  TBH, it just sounds tiring; I also miss romantic affection.
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    ***hugs*** @Jen4948 glad you have work to occupy your mind. Or at least I hope it is?
    @Casadena where did you get a $10 dress? Amd samples at costco can be lunch! Are they back precovid style?
    @short+sassy that true crime “confession” seems like it could have happened in this era! Very cool.
    @varunatt I’m 100% with you.  I hate this online dating talking to people and WEEDING people out (people living in the city and shorties get the x from me, and I know I’m probably bypassing some incredible people).  However I miss the intimacy you get with a partner.  I probably wouldn’t even do a fwb at this point.  That sounds dramatic too. 
    banana468 said:
    Good people don't brag about what they're doing and when they do it on repeat their goodness is out the window.

    We had a good and packed weekend.  Saturday was pancake breakfast at the marina and then we packed up and went back there for the afternoon for our town's annual celebration day.  I didn't love the street vendors (I would have loved more quality street food) but it was great to see it back in action again.  Fireworks were lit off in the bay and loved them.  We hung out with a friend of Chiquita's and her mom who is my friend.  It was nice to catch up.

    Yesterday was mass where I cantored and messed up but I think I'm redeemed (pun intentional) and then we took the kids to the carnival associated with the town celebration day (it sucked but was over fast) and then for a boat ride.   It's gross and pouring here and Chiquita left her lunch here so I anticipate a hungry kid later.

    I debated bringing it to her but I think i need to push her to actually pay attention. 

    100%.  He told me his current ex used to not let him do things for her, even the smallest things, because she was an “independent women”.  But I only got his side of the story ykwim? Now that I’m seeing some of his true colors I’m wondering of he threw everything he did for her back in her face too? If you have to start tallying what you’ve done for me and vice versa - I’d be gone too. 

    Your marina weekends sound like my lake ones. I wish I could go there more than I do. I love the boat/water/marina life. 

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    @Casadena where did you get a $10 dress? Amd samples at costco can be lunch! Are they back precovid style?

    Target!  It was on sale for "prime day".  And YES Costco samples are back!  Sunday they had cheese bread, pizza, peirogies and brownies.  G was in carb/chocolate heaven. 
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    Casadena said:

    @Casadena where did you get a $10 dress? Amd samples at costco can be lunch! Are they back precovid style?

    Target!  It was on sale for "prime day".  And YES Costco samples are back!  Sunday they had cheese bread, pizza, peirogies and brownies.  G was in carb/chocolate heaven. 
    Ever since my sleeve surgery I eat small amounts (but often).  I could meal it up there!

    i stopped off at old navy and was eyeing this really cute maxi dress. But then I remembered something.  I’m boxy and look horrible in dresses.  I’d never wear it.  But I’d wanna. 

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    Casadena said:

    @Casadena where did you get a $10 dress? Amd samples at costco can be lunch! Are they back precovid style?

    Target!  It was on sale for "prime day".  And YES Costco samples are back!  Sunday they had cheese bread, pizza, peirogies and brownies.  G was in carb/chocolate heaven. 
    Ever since my sleeve surgery I eat small amounts (but often).  I could meal it up there!

    i stopped off at old navy and was eyeing this really cute maxi dress. But then I remembered something.  I’m boxy and look horrible in dresses.  I’d never wear it.  But I’d wanna. 
    I hate when there is a type of fashion that I think is really cute, but looks horrible on me.

    For example, a stylish winter look.  Knee length coat, sweater, above the knee skirt, tights...with knee length boots.  So many ways that is a terrible look on me, lol.  Even when I was thin, my hips are too wide (compared to the rest of my figure) for a coat like that to look sleek on me.  I'm short, so my legs are short, and knee length boots just make them look shorter.  
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    I paid for body contouring (lipo is basically that).  I’m still boxy.  This is as curvy as I’ll ever get and it’s not!  Lol oh well.  I don’t think every body is meant for every fashion.

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    I wore a cute tank dress last week.

    And I looked in the mirror and it was an ovulation day and I look like I'm 3 mo pregnant. 

    I will be Jennifer Garner with a forever baby belly. 
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    I paid for body contouring (lipo is basically that).  I’m still boxy.  This is as curvy as I’ll ever get and it’s not!  Lol oh well.  I don’t think every body is meant for every fashion.
    So true! I have a long torso and short legs. High waist anything makes my ass look sooo long! It's gross, lol. I have kind of a boyish shape (less so after two kids now but definitely not so curvy) and I LOVE a true wrap dress. Not a faux wrap, those don't help because ties are very on my waist, but a true wrap dress gives me such a nice waist while hiding my hip dips. If you don't have one, try one out. I think they are magic.
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    I paid for body contouring (lipo is basically that).  I’m still boxy.  This is as curvy as I’ll ever get and it’s not!  Lol oh well.  I don’t think every body is meant for every fashion.
    So true! I have a long torso and short legs. High waist anything makes my ass look sooo long! It's gross, lol. I have kind of a boyish shape (less so after two kids now but definitely not so curvy) and I LOVE a true wrap dress. Not a faux wrap, those don't help because ties are very on my waist, but a true wrap dress gives me such a nice waist while hiding my hip dips. If you don't have one, try one out. I think they are magic.
    I have a wedding to go to in Sept *searching* thanks for the tip!

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