My boyfriend keeps asking me how he should propose and when, I clearly have all of the ideas and any time frame he sees as full is a time frame I view as ample opportunity. I didn't want to plan my own proposal. I didn't even want to know when or how it could happen especially since he is a hopeless romantic. He has ruined four surprises of his own already with this proposal and then becomes discouraged. I had to tell him not to talk to me any more about this and to talk to my friends, literally just sent them my entire December calendar because i don't want to know when it is happening. I gave him my ring (its very sentimental for me) because he had no idea how to take it after all the hints of me lying it around for him. I am really hoping this is all a ploy to throw me off but at this point I don't think so.
I am so excited for the marriage but at this point a proposal seems unnecessary when we both know its coming (and i am planning it unwillingly) and intend to be married very shortly after the engagement.