Wedding Woes

I need the opposite end of this letter, stat.

Dear Prudence,

I’m not sure what to do. My daughter divorced last year after four years of marriage. I was caught off guard. In that four years, I saw her yelling loudly at her husband, in our company, and he did not ever seem combative in return. Looking back, I can see some of the issues, but we (her father and I) were surprised the day she told us he was moving out. On that day, she told me to never mention his name again and never ask about the divorce. I have abided by both of those requests and many other mandates she has issued to me in the ensuing year. I seem to have become Enemy No. 1. Our relationship has deteriorated horribly. She is now engaged and living with another fellow. I’m constantly being told what her boundaries are and being issued ultimatums to obey or she will have nothing more to do with me. She has refused to go to counseling with me.

Today she found out I had “liked” a Facebook post of her ex-husband about his new relationship with his new girlfriend. (In no way have I hidden I was still his friend on FB, etc.) Once again, she came after me, demanding I unfriend him. “It’s him or me” were her exact words. I unfriended him. But at this point, I am exhausted from her demands, or really, just the disrespectful way she gives them to me. I do not talk to her ex or have any relationship with him. I have no idea why they divorced or any specific issues, as that was part of her first set of demands she laid down. Is it really so awful to remain FB friends with an ex of one of your children? She has told me, angrily, I should know that and am intentionally disrespecting her. I contend they were eager for us to develop a bond with this person when they first introduced us. We did as we came get to know them. They had time to realize the relationship was going to end. We did not. And were never privy to any reasons why.

— I Can’t Get it Right

Re: I need the opposite end of this letter, stat.

  • Agree - the way this is written the daughter sounds unhinged.  But there is no possible way it's the whole story. 
  • LW’s daughter needs to chill.  My mom & ex are still FB connected.  A lot of my friends are. I don’t even think I’d KNOW if she liked a post from him! Her daughter’s really digging, isn’t she?

  • I know my mother attempted to stay friendly with the ex after the divorce.  I dealt with it, b/c there were reasons for me to (my parents took custody of the dogs for me so I could keep them [I could not find any place that would rent to me with the 2 dogs] and ex had visitation rights), but I hated it.  Though she did draw a massive boundary with him at one point, I guess, b/c she told me later he tried to say something and Mom basically told exH that I was her daughter, I was first, and if he tried to badmouth me to her, he was out of their lives.  I guess he abided by it, but he also ghosted, like I knew he would, so he walked himself out.  IDK, I've always thought it was weird when family member try to stay friends with ex-partners (unless children are involved).  I think it's weird the ex didn't unfriend her and have some questions about that, too.

    So yeah, I'd like to see the other letter on the other side.
  • I feel like there’s a lot more to this; but if the exH was abusive I can see cutting him off and asking no one to speak about him or the marriage. And I can see reacting in a way that might not seem normal to a family member engaging with him on social media. 

    That said- this all feels one-sided. What are the boundaries the daughter is asking for? Why is the LW resistant to them? I feel like the ask to go to counseling with the LW is off but maybe that’s just me. 
  • I feel like there's a lot of missing info here. 

    But I'd also be pissed about liking pictures on FB. I'm assuming they had no kids together, so what's the point of keeping a relationship with him? 
  • ei34ei34 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited December 2022
    Yeah desperately need more info.  My parents are both still in touch with stbxh.  He was the pits and every kind of abusive but physical...but, my parents are adults. They can be in touch with who they please.  LOL at trying to control anyone's social media behavior.  

    I'm more interested in the dynamic between LW and daughter. Will admit I'm biased bc my own mom and I are thisclose and I probably overshare, but all of the boundaries and demands lead me to imagine at least one if not both of them being supremely unhinged at worst, and overly controlling at best.  

    edit spelling
  • I would also like to hear the other side of the story, but am getting a vibe that perhaps the daughter was the abuser in the relationship.  

    Something is off here.
  • Something seems off.
    But I'm really getting vibe the daughter is the one who is abusive here and maybe they feel if LW talks to him, LW will find out how bad she really was.

    Also it's weird daughter thinks they can decide who their parents can or can't be friends with. A lot happens in a short time for some people.
  • I'm still in minor, occasional social media contact with the mom of one of my ex-BFs, mostly because we encountered one another again in a separate context (here, lol)

    Both the ex and I are secure in our current marriages and so it's not a problem.

    I'd be interested to hear if there is more to the daughter's side of the story, but I am not seeing the problem here. Either daughter is abusive, is perhaps misapplying the concept of setting boundaries, or she doesn't think her mom approves of her current fiance, or all of the above.
  • I’ve thought about this more than I should and I wonder if daughter has tried, gently to establish boundaries and LW didn’t heed them and daughter had to be more direct? 
  • I’ve thought about this more than I should and I wonder if daughter has tried, gently to establish boundaries and LW didn’t heed them and daughter had to be more direct? 
    I wondered a lot about this too. The LW phrases it as "is it so wrong to stay FB friends," but that's not what the daughter is upset about. LW liked the photo with the ex's new g/f. Staying friends and liking his new relationship are two different things, but it comes off that she's minimizing her actions.

    Also, the bit about They had time to realize the relationship was going to end. We did not. And were never privy to any reasons why. really rubs me the wrong way. It's like LW is asserting that she's the injured party in the breakup. Something about it just feels like LW is that mom. 
  • I’ve thought about this more than I should and I wonder if daughter has tried, gently to establish boundaries and LW didn’t heed them and daughter had to be more direct? 
    I wondered a lot about this too. The LW phrases it as "is it so wrong to stay FB friends," but that's not what the daughter is upset about. LW liked the photo with the ex's new g/f. Staying friends and liking his new relationship are two different things, but it comes off that she's minimizing her actions.

    Also, the bit about They had time to realize the relationship was going to end. We did not. And were never privy to any reasons why. really rubs me the wrong way. It's like LW is asserting that she's the injured party in the breakup. Something about it just feels like LW is that mom. 
    I see this as the LW had welcomed the H into the family and abruptly had to remove him. That can be difficult if they had become close. I am FB friends with several of my kids' exBF/GF. I know BFs and GFs are very different from an ex-spouse. However, I respond to their new relationships in positive ways. My kids don't have any problems with that. Granted, most of the relationships ended amicably so my kids are still friends with most of their exes. 
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