I'm after some bridesmaid advice. My fiance and I have friends who are a couple (it's actually how we met - I moved countries a few years ago and became friends with the girl and he is close friends with the guy). My fiancé is set on 3 groomsmen, one of which is going to be the guy from the couple. I initially had 2 bridesmaids (sadly one of them now has dropped out, due to a close family members wedding being on the same day). From the get go I have been going back and forth as to whether I want the girl from the couple as an additional bridesmaid. I will be forever grateful that she and her partner introduced me and my now fiancé and part of me feels like I should show my thanks by including her in our day. However, there are a few things that make me question how genuine our friendship is. She is very friendly/outgoing and easily develops close friendships (which usually fizzle out after a while) and I've noticed she adapts her interests and hobbies to those of the new friends - I have heard her lying on numerous occasions to make it sound like she has a lot of shared interests with people. Which makes me wonder if she's done the same with me. She can also be very over the top with gifts and the last two women she's formed these intense friendships with have received nice birthday gifts from her. For context she has totally forgotten about my birthday for the last 2 or 3 years (I'm not a big birthday person and my birthday is not listed on any social media, so I think that's maybe why she's forgotten. But it did upset me, not that I said anything to her, as I do not like confrontation of any sort). I don't want to make her sound like a horrible person, because she's not and she is always very supportive of me/my career and my relationship with my partner and I know if I was to ask her to be a bridesmaid she would be great. I do think she expects to be asked, and would most likely be upset if I didn't ask her. But, I'm not sure I consider her a close friend - this may be all of the above, and also because the people I consider my close friends I have known for 10+ years, whereas I've only known her for around 4 (sadly, all of my close friends can't come to our wedding as it's in a different country and flights/accom are too expensive). Part of me also feels like I'd be asking her to avoid upsetting her/ruining our friendship. And, on a more selfish note, I'm now concerned that if I don't include her I will only have 1 bridesmaid which will look odd next to my fiancé's 3 groomsmen. Any advice on what to do? I have changed my mind multiple times. Apologies for the ramble, I am very confused and don't want to upset her/potentially lose a friend.