Wedding Woes

Move on from him.

mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
edited March 2023 in Wedding Woes

Dear Prudence,

I have been seeing someone for five months. His mum has been unwell with cancer, and he did say he couldn’t keep seeing me as he was struggling dealing with his mum and knew he wasn’t being fair to me. Three weeks later we reconciled, but he was waiting for his mum to have more scans. I last saw him before Christmas and he messaged me the day after, but then he disappeared and hasn’t messaged me since. I have tried to message but he hasn’t read my messages. I had a missed call from him last week that I tried to return but he never picked up. I am not sure what to do, as I haven’t heard from him for three weeks. Is this ghosting?

— Can’t Take the Heat

Re: Move on from him.

  • Is he not taking your calls?  If you are dating someone who is not returning your calls you are not dating that person. 

    Acknowledge that you're single because you're single. 
  • Yep, time to move on. 
  • He literally already dumped you. Block him and move on. 
  • There isn’t anything to do. You’re “reconciling” on his terms; when and where he wants to. If you’re fine waiting around until he throws some attention your way, then keep waiting and he’ll probably show up when it’s convenient to him. But this will be all you’ll ever get from him so it’s probably best to just move on. 
  • Oof, LW.  Read the room.  He dumped you a long time ago.  Stop pining for him and expecting him to get in touch.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Feel for this LW though.  But yeah, chalk up your losses and realize you’re not together anymore.

  • You reconciled or you had a booty call from an ex that he now feels guilty about? Because it sounds like the later. 
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