just looking for a little advice and maybe a shoulder to cry on. My GF and I have been exclusive for about 6 months and things have been going really well. She was invited to be a BM for one of her friends. I was invited to the rehearsal dinner and to the wedding. I showed up at the church and watched her walk down the aisle by herself. I should also add I think she is absolutely beautiful. After the wedding she walked out of the church arm in arm with some other guy. I was a bit surprised at this because she had never done this with me and I think it is an intimate gesture. There was a receiving line in the back of the church but she didn't say two words to me. She got into a car and drove off with a GM leaving me in the parking lot. I traveled to the wedding venue and joined the cocktail hour. I then found out that my GF was in a room at the venue. Feeling pretty unhappy at this point I went to find her only to be told I was not allowed in the room. Just herself, the GM she was matched up with and the rest of the wedding party were allowed. Well now I was really feeling bad as I thought my GF and I had gone to this wedding together. It was beggining to seem not so. Why could I not have driven her to wherever she went in the car? What was going on in the room at the venue that I was forbidden to see? Why the secrecy? Well eventually I was sitting at a table with people I didn't know but I'm a big boy I can make conversation. The next thing I know my GF appears arm in arm with her GM and the MC describes them as a couple. I thought her and I were a couple. They then proceeded to dance together, go to a different table from me and have dinner. I wasn't even sitting where I could see her. I could imagine him flirting with her and it made me sad and angry.After about two hours she came over to my table to which I said I had had enough and wanted to go home. Was I treated correctly or was I somewhat abused?