Wedding Woes


Catching up on yesterday - how is everyone's week looking?

Re: Tuesday

  • CasadenaCasadena member
    Tenth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited March 12
    G was home yesterday - second Monday in a row he's puked super early in the morning. Then he'll fall asleep hard for a couple hours - then he's fine. So we had a slow morning, then ran a couple errands and played outside since it was 65 degrees. Everyone felt good this morning though!

    Weekend was nice. Saturday our niece had her 2nd bday party, she's so sweet and it was fun to see H's fam, and BIL's fam is very nice as well. Sunday was Ninja class, playing at the awesome park outside the rec center, and then out to brunch. I did a Costco run and then the boys were both asleep about 7! So we watched the Iowa women win the Big 10 championship - so excited for the NCAA women's tourney this year!

    ETA: We have an initial meeting with Make A Wish this week to start on G's wish. Obviously he will have input, but we'll be taking the lead since he's only 4. Bc of COVID and his diagnosis we've never gone on vacation or big trips. Disney is of course a possibility, and maybe i've asked this before, but does anyone have thoughts on Disneyland CA vs. Disneyworld FL? Other theme/amusement type parks that are good for kids ages 3 and 4.5? I'm sure MAW will set us up with Fast Pass things, but waiting in line, etc sound horrible. Overall we're just trying to balance taking the opportunity to do something big, with something G will get excited about (which right now is like, a cool truck from Target). 
  • I’m exhausted for no real reason?  I was riding a high last night when I looked up Carly Pearce tickets because I saw a performance clip on FB, and saw she was touring with Tim Mcgraw (also good). I scored amazing seats at an amazing price for the parental units and I. I purchased some tickets for her last year at a state fair but then SIL passed away around that time and we didn’t go. Plus, we’re going to Carly’s VIP pre show event. This girl has gotten me through a divorce and some breakups. Anyway, I even bought a real cowboy hat (we’re also seeing Terri Clark at the end of the month so it’ll get some wears)! I’m toying with the idea of cowboy boots but honestly I don’t think I can pull those off.  I’m going out of my comfort zone with a hat! Lol

  • I wonder what it is about Monday’s, @Casadena?
    I don’t know much about land vs world but I know my coworker talked about taking her smaller children to land because it wasn’t so overwhelming and they wouldn’t do everything in world anyway.  She started taking them to world when they were older.  But if it’s on MAW, I say world! It has more stuffs. Have fun planning!

  • @CharmedPam that's true about World and something i didn't really consider :) 

    Also, cowboy hats are awesome. 
  • I'm still suffering from Daylight Savings!

    For some reason, I slept 10 hours on Saturday night.  But then with losing an hour, that meant I got up at 11am on Sunday!  I couldn't get to sleep on Sun. night until 2:30am and felt horrible yesterday.  I took a nap when I got off work, which I know was a mistake but I was just so tired.  And then couldn't get to sleep until almost 1am last night.  At least some improvement, lol.  But it's like a repeat of last week where I felt like the walking dead most of the time.

    My H has been cooking more the last two days.  On Sunday, he made an omelet with a favorite sausage we like and caramelized some onions to go in it.  Last night, he cooked up some chicken breast with this teriyaki chicken "street food" sauce/seasoning pack I've been wanting to try.  He did a great job cooking it and it looked good, but I didn't like the sauce.  It had a weird aftertaste that was too acrid and smoky.  Oh well!  I scraped the sauce off which left just a little that had cooked onto the chicken and it tasted better.

    My happiness over the weekend was discovering that Hulu has the full series of Grey's Anatomy again.  I like watching it in order and had finished season 14, when it previously disappeared.  I almost broke down and bought the seasons off of Amazon, but they were at least $20 each.  I didn't want to pull the trigger because I figured they would come back around someday to one of the streaming platforms.  My patience has paid off!

    I watched about half of season 15 over the weekend.
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  • Casadena said:
    ETA: We have an initial meeting with Make A Wish this week to start on G's wish. Obviously he will have input, but we'll be taking the lead since he's only 4. Bc of COVID and his diagnosis we've never gone on vacation or big trips. Disney is of course a possibility, and maybe i've asked this before, but does anyone have thoughts on Disneyland CA vs. Disneyworld FL? Other theme/amusement type parks that are good for kids ages 3 and 4.5? I'm sure MAW will set us up with Fast Pass things, but waiting in line, etc sound horrible. Overall we're just trying to balance taking the opportunity to do something big, with something G will get excited about (which right now is like, a cool truck from Target). 
    This is exactly the difference.  Disneyland is just Disneyland and is almost identical to Disneyworld's Magic Kingdom park.  Disneyworld has all the other parks.

    With that said, there are a number of other big amusement parks within a 1-2 hour drive of Disneyland*.  And outside of amusement parks, southern CA has way more stuff to do than Orlando.  CA also has better/closer beaches than Orlando, FL.

    If you all go in the summer, CA's weather is much better and not as hot as FL.  The summer is also hurricane season for FL, though you all would be relatively safe from that in June or early July.

    *Universal Studios, Knott's Berry Farm.  Magic Mountain, though that is more big roller coasters.  If you go further south to San Diego, there is Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, and Balboa park.  Balboa park is huge and beautiful.  It has a few museums, some of them geared towards kids, and play areas.

    Halfway to San Diego is Legoland.  It's in north SD county.  There's also a wild animal park in north SD that's associated with San Diego's zoo.
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  • Some history of Disneyland vs. Disneyworld.

    Disneyworld is what Walt Disney originally envisioned, but didn't have the money to create.

    As it was, he had huge financial problems getting loans to build Disneyland and was turned down by dozens of banks.  Amusement parks didn't exist back then.  It was a new concept and therefore a huge gamble.  Bank of America eventually gave him the loans and he was fiercely loyal to them for decades.  There used to be a BofA branch inside the park.

    By the time Disneyland was successful enough to expand into a Disneyworld creation, it was too late.  Anaheim, CA had grown up around the park and he couldn't buy cheap land anymore.

    Walt looked for another area of the country where he could buy tons of land for cheap.  And Disneyworld in Orlando, FL was born.  I don't know if they still do, but the Disney corporation owned hundreds of acres of vacant land near those parks for years.
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  • From what I gather on Disneyland if you're wanting the magic of just Magic Kingdom there's a lot that is classic in Disneyland that is amazing.  I've never been and it's on the list.  They have stuff in Disneyland that overlaps in Florida such as some of the movie items, Galaxy's Edge, and Tower of Terror.

    But Disney World in Florida is it's own town vs. Disneyland that's a park in the city.   When you head into Disney World and drive under their arch in the road it has that mental feeling like you went through a portal and are in their land away from reality.

    Disney World is
    Magic Kingdom (new Tron ride, Cinderella's castle, the slower rides that are standards like Small World, Jungle Cruise, Peter Pan's Flight).
    EPCOT - broken into two areas of World Showcase in one circle of countries around a lagoon and the front area of the park contains spots geared towards the future, Marvel, Spaceship Earth (the big ball).  The Frozen ride is in World Showcase in Norway
    Animal Kingdom - has tons of actual animals, the drive through Safari, and Pandora
    Hollywood Studios - tower of terror, Galaxy's Edge, Toy Story Land

    2 water parks: Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon

    There are 3 resort tiers for Disney World: value, moderate and deluxe.  The Deluxe resorts are gorgeous and expensive.  When we went in 2021 we stayed at Caribbean Beach which is their giant moderate.   

    In Disney they have busses that take you where you need to go and in addition they have resort transportation options depending on the location of the skyliner and the monorail.  Skyliner is on some of the value and moderate and deluxe resorts, monorail connects the deluxe resorts of Polynesian and Contemporary to Epcot and Magic Kingdom.  There are also ferry boats as well.

    Because of your situation, you would likely qualify for what they call a DAS pass.  We used it last year when we were on vacation for our day in EPCOT because of Chiquita.  By qualifying for the DAS pass we could 'pre book' our queue.  We kind of decided mentally that if a ride wait was longer than 20 min we'd use it and there may be a threshold.  We'd scan through on the app and would book a return time for the ride that was at the end of the wait time.  When our time came, we walked up and had our cards (or magic bands) scanned and walked in like it was an express lane.  It worked really well for things like Remy's Ratatouille adventure and Soarin' so we didn't really have to wait in the sweltering Florida summer heat and Chiquita didn't have to worry about bathroom accidents.  If you're working with MAW I have to believe it's a step that they'd recommend and would connect you with.  The only stipulation for us is that if we used the DAS pass Chiquita had to be with us. 
  • I think BK is getting her 5-7yr old molar. At very least it's starting, she told IL's her mouth hurts about where a molar would be.

    It's so nice today, I'm dying over how warm it's getting.

    Allergies are also insane early - I regret not grabbing my allergy meds today.

    I'm also finally seeing dr about belly button. It doesn't seem to be getting better, it's about same. Maybe it's not infected, and it's just gross?
    Idk anymore really.
  • The new cat had her first vet appointment scheduled for this morning.  However, she was not having it and we couldn't get her in the crate to go.  So I called and cancelled.  The receptionist laughed and said, "We'll put her down as politely refused" lol. We'll try a bit of crate training and reschedule.  She isn't due for any shots but we just wanted to establish care.

    It was 74 degrees here yesterday!  Unbelievable for us and we're breaking all kinds of weather records.  Unfortunately, there has been no rain (or snow) and it's so dry.  Farmers are going to be hurting,

    @Casadena - Lot's too consider for both Disney locations.
    @CharmedPam - The concerts sound great!  We're taking my mom to Marty Stuart & Superlatives Saturday night.  
  • I'm kind of caught in a tailspin, but I'm working on trying to get out of it.  My lack of knowledge of how things interact with each other at work is showing, but I'm taking copious notes and will start applying it to my other cases so it won't happen again or at least on this level.  I"m frustrated with myself, Bossman is frustrated with me, but at the end of the day, it is what is is and all I can do is work through it.  Also, all the BIG, HUGE, GARGANTUAN vibes you can send on Friday.  If this one thing happens, it will absolutely save my ass.  If it doesn't happen, I'm going to cry, then put on my big girl pants, and just go.

    I have so many friends going through so many life changing things right now.  I've put boundaries down on 2 of them for some space (just "I need a break for discussing this thing for x amount of time).  Get yourself friends who say, Thank you for what you've done, thank you for telling me, and you got it.  Also, high five to myself for recognizing the draining and stopping it.  That is not something I would've done in the past.  And, high five for doing all of my prep work on Sunday, b/c I've got yummy food that is easy to heat up, that makes me feel good when I eat it, and doesn't cost extra $$, rather than just ordering out all the time.

    Getting through this project today, no matter how long it takes.  I will go out at 5 to take a walk and to feed Harley, but then back to the grind if it's not finished.
  • Afternoon.  I think I've recovered from DST.  Yesterday was rough. 

    The weather is perfect today.  It's supposed to be nice most of the week, and then back to crap next week.  Yay midwest spring.  LOL 

    SSDD workwise.  Got some personal stuff simmering that's bumming me out, but nothing I can do much about.  

    DH and I have been watching Parts Unknown (we're skipping around on Max) and loving it.  I'm sad Bourdain isn't still around because he was so intelligent and ahead of the times.  
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Afternoon.  I think I've recovered from DST.  Yesterday was rough. 

    The weather is perfect today.  It's supposed to be nice most of the week, and then back to crap next week.  Yay midwest spring.  LOL 

    SSDD workwise.  Got some personal stuff simmering that's bumming me out, but nothing I can do much about.  

    DH and I have been watching Parts Unknown (we're skipping around on Max) and loving it.  I'm sad Bourdain isn't still around because he was so intelligent and ahead of the times.  
    We LOVED that show.  We also watched the documentary on him and it puts a lot of the last season into perspective.  Obviously there's a narrative created about Bourdain but it appears to be highlighted in the relationship he was in at the time and the effect that started to have.  It reminded me a lot of when my cousin passed and I remember absolutely weeping when Bourdain died by suicide. 

  • I got back from trip to Florida last night. We had a great time. There were 12 of us staying at my friend's house. She and her husband are such gracious hosts. We had lots of fun shopping, eating, pooling and just laughing. It was much needed.

    Home until Friday when we head to Chicago for our Christmas present - to see My Fair Lady. I've never seen the play or the movie (all the way through) so I'm looking forward to it.

    Today was hair appointment and personal training. I need to do house cleaning this week. I didn't do anything before going to Florida because I knew things would be a mess when I got home. H isn't too bad but he doesn't really care of furniture is dusted and toilets are cleaned.
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