Wedding Woes


Finally!  How's everyone?  Hoping there are moments of relaxation or joy planned for all!

Re: Fri-yay

  • Oof, @ei34, that is so real.  I still do love my job, I think I've just now been here long enough I can see the cracks/faults and they just seem so preventable.  But this is a reflection of my field as well; I've never been in a firm that seemed like it had good HR in this city.  I'm really not sure about other bigger cities, but I have enough friends throughout the nation, I do think it's just the field.

    I'm excited for the weekend.  I'm building my vanity and getting a big reorganization that I've wanted for a long time.  I think I'm going to go ahead and order my nightstands too.  Then I've got to sit with things for awhile to decide on rugs and save money for my headboard design I'm going to do. 

    My boudoir photographer is having a swanky party complete with red carpet, so I'm going with 2 other friends and I think it'll be so much fun.  Then, we're all trucking over to our local hangout bar, b/c it's the 12th anniversary birthday party and it will be packed and fun.  The Australian Grand Prix is this weekend, but it's at midnight on Saturday for me, so I'll watch it Sunday morning.  Then just the rest of my chores.  I think I've got a good mix of fun w/friends, creating my physical space, and chilling, going on.
  • ei34ei34 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    Just have some grading tonight, plus pizza and a movie on the couch. Tomorrow is house cleaning and the kids have a swim meet 12-3 or so. Sunday will be busy between mass, a Boy Scout food drive, and softball practice, and a Palm Sunday dinner at my sister’s house Sunday evening. I’m on dessert duty, I’ll be making a carrot cake and my usual chocolate chip cookies, but with some Easter pastel m&m’s on top. Nice things, but busy. 
  • @VarunaTT, I know you've had a rough go of it lately, so I'm glad you have so much to look forward to this weekend.  A swanky party with some friends definitely sounds awesome.  I hardly ever wear make-up, but have always wanted an antique-y looking vanity anyway.  I've just never had enough space where I felt I could use some up on something that would be frivolous (at least for me) and mostly unnecessary.  My next house needs to have a lot of bathroom counter space or at least room for a vanity in/near the master bedroom.  And preferably both!

    I've kinda lucked out today.  It started drizzling as I was leaving for work.  Was medium raining when I got to work, but nothing my umbrella couldn't handle.  But within about 20 minutes after I got to work, it was a torrential rainstorm.  One of my coworkers came in an hour late because the water on his street was ankle deep and he was waiting for it to recede.  I checked the weather and the storm should be mostly over by the time I am leaving and sunny with no rain about an hour after that when I will be running some errands.

    As of this morning, I have officially lost half the weight to get to my goal!  With that said, I know the second half is going to be a LOT harder.  It's already more difficult.  I'm not sure I will ever be able to reach my goal weight, but I'm trying not to worry about that right now.

    Perhaps some good news with the tenant situation I talked about yesterday.  The current tenant wasn't happy about things obviously, but understood what was happening and seemed reasonable about it.  She seemed to be under the impression that a lot of that bill was the previous tenant.  I doubt it.  She told my H that she was going to go down to the SWB later that afternoon (yesterday) to open an account and get it figured out.  She even said she wanted to sign a new, year long lease!  This is just a coincidence, but her year long lease expires this month and automatically goes to a month-to-month after that.  But I don't mind signing another year lease, if that is what she wants to do.

    It's possible some of that bill was the previous tenant's.  There are also two vacant months that are our responsibility.  Which we told her.  But that would only be about $130, since the house wasn't using any water.  However the previous tenant's wouldn't have been much, if anything.  I can take a good guess what our current tenant's monthly water bill should be and it is at least 75% of the past due amount.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @short+sassy the vanity is really b/c I have no storage space in my bathroom at all.  The sink is one of those fancy modern bowl sinks that sits on a small counter, all glass.  It's beautiful, but not particularly storage friendly.  Basically like this:

    Finish Stainless Steel

    Then, b/c of the way the bathroom is built with two doors, bathtub, toilet, and the water heater closet, there's really no place for me to add storage, unless I go up with shelves and that's not really convenient for bathroom type stuffs.  Plus, I have all of my other bathroom supplies, meds, etc. in the walk in closet on storage shelves with my towels and other large things (like humidifier) that should live in a linen closet that I don't have.  I have a rolling cart for my daily usage things in the actual bathroom.  So, the vanity will be where all of that stuff that doesn't require me using water will come flowing into and be stored, in one convenient spot.  Also, fun doing getting dressed up when I want too.

    Then the rolling cart will come out and be my NA mocktail storage cart, b/c I have lots of fun stuff now and it's just living on the dining room table, which is also annoying.

    It's taken me time to build my space, but I have enjoyed it.  I love being home now.
  • @ei34, I don't like most frostings.  But the cream cheese frosting used on carrot and red velvet cakes is my big exception!  Though most restaurants/bakeries still make the frosting too sweet.  When I make it myself, I cut the sugar in half for the frosting.  It's still very sweet, but ups the tangy part of the flavor.  My H, who does have a big sweet tooth, agrees with me about restaurants.  But he prefers and makes the frosting with 25% less sugar.

    @banana468, congrats on the raise!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited March 22
    Hellooo!  My boss is on vacay and my director is leaving at lunchtime today.   Happy Fri-yay to me! 

    I went to our new office yesterday for a meeting.  It was oddly surreal since I've never known anything but our old building for over 20 years.  It's so small since it's basically half of a floor, if that.  We were formerly in a massive 2-story building that was just my company. 

    After school today, DefConn is on break until April 9th.  I'm just happy I can set my alarm back at least a half-hour since we don't have to be up to make sure he's getting ready for school.   We're not doing much of anything, but I'm taking time off next week since it's his bday.  And DH and I both took eclipse day off since we are directly in the path of totality.  BIL/SIL/nephews are going to come up from Cincy (since they are not in the path) and we're going to have a little eclipse party.  

    This weekend is low-key, woohoo.  We have to make a Costco run. We may try to get a hike in on Sunday and we need to pick up DefConn's bday present (a new, nice bike that everyone is going in on with us) and hide it at our friend M+L's house.  

    I see there's some fresh juicy Prudie's from yesterday, so I'll post those.  ;)
  • VarunaTT said:
    @short+sassy the vanity is really b/c I have no storage space in my bathroom at all.  The sink is one of those fancy modern bowl sinks that sits on a small counter, all glass.  It's beautiful, but not particularly storage friendly.  Basically like this:

    Finish Stainless Steel

    Then, b/c of the way the bathroom is built with two doors, bathtub, toilet, and the water heater closet, there's really no place for me to add storage, unless I go up with shelves and that's not really convenient for bathroom type stuffs.  Plus, I have all of my other bathroom supplies, meds, etc. in the walk in closet on storage shelves with my towels and other large things (like humidifier) that should live in a linen closet that I don't have.  I have a rolling cart for my daily usage things in the actual bathroom.  So, the vanity will be where all of that stuff that doesn't require me using water will come flowing into and be stored, in one convenient spot.  Also, fun doing getting dressed up when I want too.

    Then the rolling cart will come out and be my NA mocktail storage cart, b/c I have lots of fun stuff now and it's just living on the dining room table, which is also annoying.

    It's taken me time to build my space, but I have enjoyed it.  I love being home now.
    I HATE pedestal sinks!  Though my current tiny (and only) bathroom also has one.  We do store things under it, especially the bathroom trash can.  Though thankfully I have a small linen closet in that bathroom.

    I also have a lot of "creative" storage options going on.  We have one of this organization things that is meant to go above the toilet.  It has skinny legs that go to the floor and the shelving doesn't start until it's above toilet height.  It has a small shelf with a door, that's the right height for holding rolls of toilet paper.  Then a bigger open shelf.  Then a large closed shelf.  It holds a good amount of stuff in what is otherwise unused space.  I couldn't find the exact one at Amazon.  I'm not sure I even bought it there to begin with.  I think I bought it on a whim at Walmart because it looked like a good idea and it has been!  But here is something similar: Cutuli Toilet Cabinet Storage Space Saver with Tower Rack Shelf - White : Home & Kitchen

    Amazon has tons of keyword "Toilet Cabinet Storage" options.  I saw a lot I like better than mine, lol.  Though mine was about $40 when I bought it over 10 years ago.  The ones that were prettier and/or also had storage on the side were over $100.  The one for the link above is $55.

    And then I also have a small stand alone shelving unit that goes next to the sink.  I use the flat top of that as the only "counter" space.  It's only about 1' x 1', lol.  But at least it holds toothpaste and a Sonicare recharger plus a few other things. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I don’t have a pedestal sink but my bathroom is small, thus, my sink vanity is small. A make up table has been a lifesaver.
    Congrats on that raise @banana468, and congrats on being half way to goal @short+sassy

    Woke up to snow.  Ugh! More on the way too.  I have a wood sign class tonight and it’s not close. I hear that snow will come during my drive time too. Did God not get the Spring memo? Or the fact that Phil saw his shadow? Or didn’t see it? Or whatever it was that predicted an early spring? Lol
    i had a weird convo with my ex’s friend this morning.  Just reached out on fb to see how I was. He was a cool guy so I chatted with him.  Then he got onto dating.  I said “naw, I’m actually living my best life without any men in it right now”.  Not a lie. 
    “Oh, I’m not living my best life.  I can’t seem to find anyone so casual dating it is I guess”.
    wait - you’re not living your best life because you don’t have a romantic partner in it? Maybe change that mindset and you COULD be living your best life! 

  • I’m exhausted. I went out to dinner with my team last night. I had one glass of wine and a gallon of water, but got to sleep 2 hours later than normal. It was fun but I’m so sleepy. H is working from home so I’m trying to get a nap when he’s done with his last meeting. 

    Not much this weekend, BFF’s birthday dinner tomorrow and swim + SILs house on Sunday. It’s been snowing since Wednesday and while I love it, I’m ready for spring. 
  • DS2 came home last night (Friday). DD and family are arriving today for an extended weekend. They will leave Wednesday (boys have SB) because she has to work on Thursday. My SIL is also arriving tonight. This is the first time she has been here in about 16 years. She was the main caretaker for my ILs when they were alive. Since FIL passed last spring, she has been trying to take some well deserved trips. We are glad she is coming for a visit. The twins are excited to see her again. They met her last year when we visited FIL about a month before he passed. They hadn't met her or FIL due to Covid and managing 3 small boys on a long trip - she and FIL lived in Virginia.

    I had a gyn appointment yesterday with a new doc. My former one left the practice at the end of January. I'm not sure I like this one. I will give her another chance but I might just switch everything to my PCP. The doc that left had replaced a doc I had been going to for 30+ years. I loved her because we were close to the same age, had children the same age and she was very understanding of a lot of things. Her replacement was great too. Younger but said she worked closely with my 1st one to transition her patients. The one I saw yesterday has been with the practice for a long time (24 years) but seemed very brisk and quick. I know she was having a busy morning (she was 45 minutes behind) so I'll give her another chance. I hate changing doctors!

    DS2 will probably watch a movie today. We have church tomorrow and fake Easter dinner. DS2 will be at a going away party for a high school friend who is moving to Australia for work. DS2 is staying here until Monday morning so he can spend a little time with his aunt and nephews.
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