Wedding Woes

Monday, Monday

Monday. Last day of leave. Lots of baby snuggles and relaxing. 

How was everyone’s weekend? Ours was great! Birthday party (nephew), dance recital (niece), and Mother’s Day fun at the playground! 

Re: Monday, Monday

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    banana468banana468 member
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    @charlotte989875 you've got this!  

    Weekend was decent.    Saturday I had a MUCH needed haircut and did house cleaning which was also MUCH needed.    Chiquito went to a friend's to work on  a science project and Chiquita made Mother's Day stuff.  To my chagrin she opted for a craft over work and...we're working on it.   I had to giggle when she said, "But I wanted to make a present for Grandma!"  My response, "I think your retired school teacher grandma wants you to do your assigned work." 

    It's going to be a busy week of projects and tri folds in the house but I think we've got it.

    Mother's Day was nice and I got to see family I haven't in a LONG time.  DH started to not feel great so we had to hightail it out of my parents' house earlier than I wanted.  He's really trying to get on top of his health issues and called the specialist he was referred to this morning to say that he wants an appointment earlier than August (when his initial appointment was scheduled).  I'm hoping we start to see answers for why he can feel so off.  

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    CasadenaCasadena member
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    @charlotte989875 soak up all the baby snuggles you can today and *hugs* for tomorrow!

    @banana468 I hope your H gets some answers!

    Weekend was nice. Boys did activities Saturday morning, then we were off to MKE. The park we found was incredible and right on the lake - the weather was perfect! Then checked into our hotel and found out we were upgraded to a little suite that had a tiny living room/sitting area separate from the bedroom and the boys thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was really nice for us too since they both fell asleep about 7:45, we were able to close off their room, share a bottle of wine and watch tv for awhile!

    Swam again yesterday morning after a *fancy* continental breakfast, then headed to the zoo! Found that the MKE zoo is way prettier than the one we belong to, so looking at getting a membership there this year instead. It's only about 20 minutes farther for us. 

    The boys made me sweet art projects at school that they immediately had to hang on the walls and H got me a small gift as well - which i wasn't expecting! OVerall a very good weekend. 
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    ei34ei34 member
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    @charlotte989875 all the hugs and vibes your way 
    @Casadena sounds like a beautiful weekend! 

    DD had a ball at her birthday party on Saturday and Mother’s Day was super nice. The kids these last few years have so independently made a sweet Mother’s Day morning spread, I always appreciate their efforts. 
    Hoping this week goes quickly, exH has me stressed about DDs actual birthday tomorrow I’m used to that.

    @c@climbingsingle  are you around? Hope you’re okay!

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    Monday comes around too soon. My weekend was very very relaxing.  I kinda don’t like that.  I just had dinner and a comedy show Saturday night, but that’s it.  I had a headache on Sunday, which made me non productive.  I’m positive it wasn’t from a half a glass of sangria. But as I age, alcohol is hitting me different, so who knows?
    Did anyone catch the Northern Lights on Friday? I missed them completely as I was focusing on TV, and when I went on FB my feed was flooded with pictures from “about 1 hr ago”. Grrrr. Had no idea they were happening.  Supposedly we were supposed to get them again Saturday and Sunday but that wasn’t the case around here. 

    Glad everyone had a good mother’s day.  Hopefully those who haven’t posted yet did too!

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    Weekend was good, but too fast. I did a 5k with a group of girlfriends on Saturday morning and most of their kids came to cheer. One of my friends has a new foster placement, so I was hanging out getting to know him for a bit. She texted this morning that he has strep, so I'm a little stressed about that now. 

    Nothing much else going on. Trying to get some work stuff caught up in preparation for being out almost two weeks. Those last couple of days before vacation are impossible to do much of anything productive. 
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    VarunaTTVarunaTT member
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    I've been laughing b/c Threads is full of "support group here for people that didn't see the Northern lights".  Apparently they were visible both days, but that requires me leaving me house and

    Prepping for a video interview right now.  Let me tell you, ChatGP is so damn helpful.  I found the questions on a reddit post, typed out my answers, put it into ChatGP and it was so helpful at organizing things correctly and verbiage.  I'm not fully copying, but it's a great tool to use.  I have 2 other interviews this week and waiting to hear back from one (but I don't think I got it, I feel like I would've heard already).  2 of the interviews would be w/in my wheelhouse and I'd be working with professionals on all levels, so corporate and no more laypeople.  Honestly, it sounds great and I'm willing to take the small paycut for opportunities for growth, remote work, and a real HR department.

    Otherwise, just trying to stay feeling good.  I read a great book and started a rather intense supplement regimen for stress/habitual drinkers that are under 6 months sober.  I do think it's really helping with depression, sleep, and cravings; it's hard taking all these pills though.  I had to take Harley to the vet.  She had the beginnings of an ear infection, so had some ear drops.  She hates them, but she felt better the next day, so glad I went.  It is weird filing a health insurance claim for your pet, let me tell you.  But she's over half way to her deductable?

    Called mom for mother's day.  I got her a really cool card that isn't here yet, which is irritating.  I'm taking her to her favorite place, Braum's, on Tuesday, then she's meeting a friend of mine for handyman work.  She is so damn particular and it's getting irritating, but I just smile and go on.  
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    @charlotte989875 I'm sorry you're having to go back to work tomorrow!  Soak in the extra baby snuggles.  Sending good vibes your way.

    @VarunaTT, good to see you back on here!  It's great to hear you've been getting so many interviews!  Good luck with them.  I hope your next job is a much better situation, especially for your mental health.

    Glad to hear there were some great Mother's Days for the ladies on here.

    No Nothern LIghts for me either.  New Orleans is far enough south that our light pollution didn't make them visible.  But people about 30 miles north and in more rural areas could see them.

    We have an old broken window in our bedroom.  Cracks that we repaired with blue duct tape, lol.  My H and I can't remember if the window was already broken when we bought the house or if we broke it years ago.  We just didn't care much or worry about it.

    But now that we are about to sell our house, it occurred to us, "Oh!  Guess we should finally get that window fixed, lol."  We had work people today doing that and they just finished.  Phew!  Only $140.  I was expecting worse.

    I got some really good news over the weekend.  Our neighbor across the street is also moving and selling her house.  She put it up for sale earlier this month and it was under contract only a few days later!  Longer story short, my house would probably sell for less than hers square footage-wise.  But even if I decrease the sqf value by 20%, I'll still be able to sell my house for a lot more than I was expecting!

    I hoping to set up a phone appointment with my realtor on Wednesday, to talk more about it.
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    Weekend was good. H and DS2 had a great time at the playoff game Friday night. Saturday the cycle-thon was fun even though there were some hiccups. The dinner and show I went to was ok. The dinner was fabulous but the show was just a waste of money and time. It makes me wonder if the venue even knew what the show was or had seen the performers. It was very amateur. Sunday we had a delicious brunch then planted some flowers and just lazed around the house. 

    Today I've been pre-packing. We leave Saturday so I've been putting outfits together and putting them in the suitcase. So far I'm doing great space wise. We are flying out of Chicago so that we can leave our car at DD'S house and cut a leg off the trip. Usually if a leg is delayed it is the one from Indy! So I have a tote bag for Saturday night and for our night we return then the suitcase for the trip. The weather over there now is high 70s low 80s during the day but 40s-50s at night. So I have to have some sweaters to throw on to walk to dinner and stuff. My sciatica is much better thanks to the chiropractic treatment I've been getting. I'm so glad I went for that.

    Good luck tomorrow @charlotte989875 hope you got all the baby snuggles today.
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    @ILoveBeachMusic, your trip sounds so exciting!  That'll be nice to fly directly out of Chicago and not pay for parking.  It's ironic that the short flight from Indy to Chicago is often the problem one.  But any time there is an extra leg, it's another possibility for delays that can make you miss your next flight.

    @MyNameIsNot, your trip sounds amazing also!

    I'm jealous of both of you, lol.
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