Wedding Woes

Your H is the one who needs boundaries.

Dear Prudence, 

My sister-in-law is miserable and confrontational. I’ve been on the receiving end of her bullying several times. Initially, she seemed to have a personable, if volatile, personality. She was raised in the projects. Her mother was imprisoned for covering for her mobster boyfriend. Amazingly, she completed her master’s degree and marriage and family therapist license, got married, and owns a house. She’s accomplished, but despite her training, has no sense of boundaries.

My hubby is a general contractor, and they frequently call to ask him to drive three hours to fix their house. They pay for the materials and occasionally pay for gas money. But it seems they are always on the lookout to get something for nothing. Being around them is draining and oftentimes hurtful. We are retiring and have a home in Florida, which took a direct hit from two hurricanes. The SIL didn’t even ask if my family was safe. Well, now the holidays are coming. Last Christmas, she hosted us and spent an hour crying and venting in the living room. Help! I can’t do another holiday like this!

—I Just Can’t Deal

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