Wedding Woes

Actions speak louder than words here

CasadenaCasadena member
Tenth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
edited December 2024 in Wedding Woes

Dear Prudence, 

I am in an interracial relationship. We have a wonderful partnership and are headed toward marriage. On the phone with my mother recently, I was excitedly talking about the future.

I made an off-hand, cheeky joke about how I hope our future children don’t end up looking like my partner’s sister, who is a nasty person, despite being beautiful. I wouldn’t want to see her reflected in my kids’ faces, though I know this doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. I was mostly joking! My mom’s response shocked and upset me: “Well, that’s what you get for marrying a [person of my partner’s race].”

I immediately told her that it was a horrible and deeply inappropriate thing to say. She tried to justify it by saying that my partner and his family have strong features, but the truth is that my partner and his sister don’t even look alike. My mom completely adores my partner, treats him like a son, and has never said anything racist about him or our relationship before. She’s somewhat sheltered despite having open-minded, inclusive values. I am so disappointed in her. My problem is that I’m having trouble articulating to her why her words were so racist and upsetting. We usually communicate well, and I know she’ll give this issue serious thought once I can figure out how to explain it to her. Can you provide a script so I can better explain to her why this was wrong?

Re: Actions speak louder than words here

  • I feel like everyone here made their inside thoughts into outside thoughts. If you have hopes about what kids will and will not look like, I don't think it generally goes anywhere good if that becomes a topic of conversation.

    And it's good if you can articulate your reasons, that you know your mom will take them into serious consideration.
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