Wedding Woes

Merry Monday

How was everyone's weekend?  Wishing you all a smooth week!

Re: Merry Monday

  • Weekend here was good! MIL got in late Friday. Saturday she wanted to go to the Jimmy Carter library. I've lived here for nearly 30 years and had never been. It was pretty neat. She was supposed to stay the rest of the weekend, but SIL wanted her to babysit Saturday night, so she spend the rest of the weekend at SIL's. Yesterday we went for a short hike with an old friend and then I made tortellini soup. I don't make a lot of tomato based soups, so that was fun. 

    Nothing else going on. It's rainy and dreary here, but only 2 weeks until vacation. 
  • I posted the thread and immediately got side-tracked lol.  

    Weekend was terrific - fun moments for the kids that weren't taxing on me, family and friend time for me, but I also managed to get a huge chunk of Christmas stuff done (assembled all the teacher gifts, got my Christmas cards ready (mailed them on my way to work today), and stealthfully confirmed packages that had been delivered from their basement hiding place against my gift list for the kids.  

    This week is quiet compared to last week.  Not actually quiet or unbusy, but just our usual routine, and I'm thankful for that.
  • Random oddness from over the weekend.  My brother works in retail and he texted me that a friend of ours came into his store with a person who was not the person she married.   He asked if I knew anything and I did NOT but I took to the internet to sleuth and found out that she got divorced.

    I messaged her to ask how she's doing saying we haven't caught up in a while and now - FB inactive. 

    I'm feeling bad and bad for not talking to her recently feeling guilty but the last year was definitely chock full of CHiquita stuff likely when she was in the thick of  separating.  I'm both curious and feeling like I need to kick into gear being a better caller of friends.
  • I’m soooo tired and after today I have something on my calendar all the way through next Tuesday!
    Weekend was ok. Weather was great so I got some organizing done. I had to bring some stuff into my house from my garage so it not being 25 degrees was helpful. 
    Big congrats to Chiquita @banana468

  • :(
    what you’re feeling is super common @banana468, life gets in the way for a lot of us.  If I don’t have concrete plans with friends, I’m usually not in the know about their lives

  • Weekend was good. H and I volunteered at the Y's Breakfast with Santa. Right afterwards we headed to Dayton to see DS2. We went to the outlet mall near Cincy so that I could Lindt chocolates for Christmas and a few things clothing wise for me. Then we went to the Yuletide Village that is held on the grounds of their Ren Fest. We went last year for the first time. It was a lot of fun. The weather was perfect. No rain, chilly but not too cold. The lights were great and the mulled wine was pretty good too. We went out to dinner afterwards. We came home yesterday after breakfast with DS2. Last night we had a Christmas party with the Italian Heritage Society of Indiana. I am newly on their board this year. It was fun but the food just ok. It was at an old Italian restaurant downtown that is really old school. Today H and I got some errands run - Christmas cards dropped off, gift certificate to a coffee shop for DS2, grocery shopping and a birthday cake ordered for DD. Her birthday is Sunday, and she and her family will be here for the weekend to attend our symphony's Christmas show.  Last year was the first time the twins went and this year the little one is joining. They loved it last year and asked me if we could go again this year! I just finished making some spiced nuts and need to get stuff together to do some cookies before the weekend.

    Congratulations to Chiquita, @banana468. This is such a busy time of life for you.
  • Congrats Chiquita! @banana468

    Weekend was mostly good. We went out on Saturday which was mostly good. H reallllly wanted to go to this one bar and we kind of forced it later in the evening and I was pretty tired. He's been asking to go for like a month though. Sunday SIL and I made cookies. They're okay, I did overbake some which is disheartening considering the sheer amount of time I spent making them but overall they're good. I also made peppermint bark which has been hard to resist. I did overdo it though, because yesterday I was too tired to get out of bed all day and I felt awful. I couldn't even bring myself to do a walk. But my kitty was happy to have cuddles all day. And we caught up with The GBBO. 

    Back at work today. I had a moment where I just felt overwhelmed standing at my doorway on the way out the door. But off I go and soon it will be the weekend again. I'm trying to decide what to do for dinner. I feel like we've eaten so poorly the last two weeks I'm ready for a healthy home cooked meal. 

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