Wedding Woes

Get over your shame, it's not helping your kids

Dear Care and Feeding,

I took my child to the dentist at exactly 6 months old and diligently every six months after that. At his November 2019 appointment, they noticed some plaque. His Spring 2020 appointment was canceled, and when we went back in August 2020 he had ten cavities. He had to be put under anesthesia for the fillings. It was traumatic, not least because the dentist chided me for “letting it get so bad,” as if I willingly skipped the appointment in Spring 2020. I am not proud of this, but we haven’t been back to the dentist since—I was so ashamed and just couldn’t make myself go back. I meant to find another dentist, but one thing led to another and, well, here we are. How do I go to a dentist now and explain why my kids haven’t seen one in 4 years? My oldest is in third grade and will likely need to start orthodontia soon, so we really need to get it together. But I am so afraid to be shamed again for the long delay—plus, who knows what they will find? Please tell me how you would approach this.

Re: Get over your shame, it's not helping your kids

  • Dang it!  Where is this dentist that uses anesthesia?  I would have taken better care of my teeth if I didn't have to white knuckle gum scalings.  Then told I needed gum surgery.  Rip the skin off the roof of my mouth and graft it to my gums.  My periodontist looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about anesthesia.  I looked at her like she was crazy when she told me there isn't any. 
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  • That dentist was awful AND you need to get your kids to a dentist. A lot of things got dropped in spring 2020 so be sucks for making you feel bad about that. 

    But you need to find a new one, not just because of the shaming but because like @levioosa said 10 cavities in year is way outside the norm so you should see what’s going on. Most won’t ask too much about why you haven’t been in a while and will work with you to come up with a treatment plan (without general anesthesia). 
  • edited January 10
    Double post. 
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