Wedding Woes


How was everyone's weekend?
@levioosa how are you / your family doing?

Re: Monday

  • @ei34 I'm sorry, that all sounds terrible.  I'm glad you're choosing to focus on things you can control and positives.  @banana468 ugh, sorry to hear about the covid.  It is definitely making rounds.  Even my friends who have been lucky have been getting it this time.

    This weekend was good.  I finally cleaned my apartment mostly.  It does feel a lot better.  Harley and I are in a boundaries war.  I knew our routine was all messed up the last month or so.  She has been behaving terribly, so she has been getting squirted from the water bottle a lot.  Hopefully this is a short phase, now that work routine is getting back to normal.

    I also watched the movie The Creator and that was a great movie.  Very beautifully filmed, directed, acted, and written.  I think it had a few Golden Globes nominees and I definitely agree that it's awards winning level.  I have noticed the past few years that I definitely feel like I've seen stories before, and this isn't a new story at all, but it's probably the best outing of this type of story since Spielberg's AI.
  • We had a fun weekend with DS1, DIL and DS2 at home. The wine tasting was a lot of fun. The guy who owns the place grew up with my boys. It was great seeing him and catching up with his family. I've been doing laundry and getting beds remade. I also am re-watching the first half of the current season of Outlander before I start watching the second half of it. I'm so annoyed how they released these "halves". 

    We have a pretty non-eventful week this week. Next weekend we may go to Dayton to look at some houses with DS2. He is just starting the house search process. I'm super excited for him. He is ready to be out of an apartment.

    Sorry about all the BS with xH @ei34. Hope you and the kids avoid Covid @banana468 and that your H recovers quickly.
  • @ei34 shaking a fist at your exH.  You don’t deserve the chaos and your kids certainly don’t.
    @banana468 yikes! Speedy recovery to your H!

    Weekend was really good.  I saw 2 musicals, one being Shucked and I really liked it! I added the soundtrack to my broadway playlist. The songs were kinda catchy.  Some bad one liners but all in all, worth the $67 we paid.  I’m not sure much more would be worth it. 

  • @levioosa-Thinking of you and yours. The fires are just devastating and horrible. 
    @ei34-UGH!  He's the worst.  I'm sorry it's not impacting the kids. 
    @banana468-Fingers crossed you and the kids stay covid-free and H recovers quickly. 

    Hi.  I've said I was going to be around more and then you know what they say about 'plans', LOL.  The kids have needed help with the baby.  Babies are cute, but very needy and kind of boring, LOL.  But the needy part does interfere with my online time.  ;)

    We had a good weekend.  Friday, SIL and I went shopping and then everyone met at their house for dinner and DH and BIL to record (DH and BIL started an NFL-related podcast this season, and now that SIL/BIL have their own house, we switch off recording locations.).  We then went over some St. Thomas plans (just over 2 weeks away) and played euchre.  Saturday, DH and I went out shopping and then my niece, the kiddo, and baby were around for dinner.  Sunday, we had SIL/BIL, FIL, kiddo, and the baby over for football and dinner.  

    FIL has met someone.  We haven't met her yet, but it seems to be going well.  They have a lot in common.  I will be curious to eventually meet her.  But it's nice that FIL has someone to hang out with and whatnot. 

    I'm still out here looking for a dang job.  I got pretty upset last night about it all and had a little cry sesh with DH being supportive and all that.  I've cast a wide net and I'm networking, but it's just...ugh.  I'm bored and feel a little useless being out of work this long.  
  • @banana468, I hope your DH gets better soon and the rest of your family avoids getting sick.

    @charlotte989875, I saw on your Friday's post that J is still sick.  I hope he starts getting better soon so everyone can get more rest!  Congrats on the Bills win.

    @ILoveBeachMusic, Good luck to DS2 with his house hunting!

    @levioosa, continued good wishes for you and your family.

    My New Years resolution was to start being better about all the daily and weekly beauty/health stuff I should be doing and haven't been good about.  One of those is to take more fiber.  It helps lower cholesterol and raise leptin levels.  Two things I need help with.

    I bought the Costco version of Benefiber and took my first dose on Thurs. night.  Technically, you're supposed to take 3-5 doses/day.  I only took one and things went very, very awry!  Starting in the middle of the night, let's just say urgent bathroom needs increased.  I was having constant stomach pains.  I had to call off work Friday because I wouldn't have made the 20-minute drive to the office!  Saturday was a lot better on the bathroom side, but even today I'm still having occasional stomach pains and it feels sensitive.  I'm going to return it.  Plus for the lowered cholesterol benefits, it is supposed to be psyllium fiber.  I thought that is what it was, but it isn't.

    On Saturday, my friend and I went to a live music Bloody Mary Bingo event at a local bar.  They played music from all decades, though more classics from the 1920s-1930s with an upbeat/bluesy feel.  It was a drummer, guitarist, and the singer played the piano and violin.  They would play a set and then there would be a bingo game.  Alas, neither my friend nor I won.  But it was a lot of fun.  The bar did have a nice set up for DIY bloody Marys with all kinds of fixings and add-ins.  It was $10 per drink which is on the high side for these parts, I guess to make up for all the accoutrements.  Normally I would have had one but, considering the tummy issues, I refrained. 

    That friend has worked off and on in LA for years because she's involved in tv/movie production.  She even keeps a boat out there to have a cheap place to live for when she has jobs.  She knows so many people out there and is sick with worry.  One of her friends already lost their home.  Her boat is currently okay, but is completely covered in ash.  Its marina isn't very far from Pacific Palisades.  I'm glad we could go out for a few hours and take her mind of things.

    On Sunday, my H and I went on a marathon Costco run.  He and I both bought some more clothes, which isn't something I usually associate with Costco, lol.  But they do have really affordable and decent quality clothes and I already love a casual button-down shirt I bought for only $10.  It's warm and a really soft fabric.
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  • @short+sassy the majority of new wardrobe purchases the last 2 years have been costco - huge fan!
  • @short+sassy definitely no bueno on the fiber!

    I learned after Chiquita's stint in the hospital that things are not right if your body is waking you up for a #2.  Each morning output over the last day was given a POOKAI score and checking the box that you had to get up to go was a sign that things were not all asleep!  I consider that if it happens to me or when DH is having an IBS issue. 

    LOVE Costco!  We've enjoyed some of their pajamas, flannels and coats.  The rough part is the inconsistency and I wish they'd bring back some of the jeans they used to carry for men because they were good for DH. 
  • banana468 said:
    @short+sassy definitely no bueno on the fiber!

    I learned after Chiquita's stint in the hospital that things are not right if your body is waking you up for a #2.  Each morning output over the last day was given a POOKAI score and checking the box that you had to get up to go was a sign that things were not all asleep!  I consider that if it happens to me or when DH is having an IBS issue. 

    LOVE Costco!  We've enjoyed some of their pajamas, flannels and coats.  The rough part is the inconsistency and I wish they'd bring back some of the jeans they used to carry for men because they were good for DH. 
    My H really likes their Kirkland jeans.  They also had Levi's.  He needed two more pairs and that was why we were in the clothing section.
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