Wedding Woes

Prudie Thursday

VarunaTTVarunaTT member
Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
edited January 30 in Wedding Woes
Well, I found some new exercises to do for my rotator cuff and some of them did actually cause a bit of pain.  Who knew that just leaning over and making circles with your arm could make you say ouch.  However, my arm feels significantly better today.  Even yesterday after I did them, I had that solid "good workout" ache and not sharp pain, so I'll keep it up and hopefully turn a corner without surgery or formal PT.

Night sweats are trying to make a reappearance, which is just a reminder that I have to keep taking care of myself, no matter what the outside world looks like.  They make sleep rough and I feel hungover the next morning and can't drink enough water fast enough to feel better.  So I need to remember to take these damn supplements that really do make me feel better.

I finished another Deborah Harkness book, The Black Bird Oracle.  I really like these books (Discovery of Witches) even though it's not necessarily a genre I vibe with.  But she really is a good writer, with great world building and plots.  I also really love how she weaves in history.  I think my favorite one was actually Time's Convert because half of the book is set in the American Revolution.

Otherwise, Happy Friday's Eve...we've made it through another week.

ETA:  mrsconn is on vacation, so @Casadena will you do Prudie for us?

Re: Prudie Thursday

  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 30
    Would night sweats be perimenopause, @VarunaTT
    Hope it works out @casadena

    it took 45 minutes yesterday to book a cruise with vacations to go (but outstanding price) and another 1/2 hour today because I had to call and confirm passport names.  The guy is slow and maybe new? But again, can’t beat the price with them.
    i also bought bought a book called “power of the p*ssy” (I can probably say that word but lets not get banned) on a whim but I already don’t know about this… chapter one is already about how emotional us ladies are and that’s what’s ruining our relationships.  We have to control our emotions! 
    The reviews for all three of the author’s books are fantastic!  Kara King. Here’s her bio (but she probably wrote it herself:)After leaving the radio scene, she dove into marriage, entrepreneurship, and motherhood. But her narrative didn't pause—it escalated with the release of her groundbreaking book "The Power of the P*ssy." Controversial, yet down-to-earth, it skyrocketed to the top of the dating and relationship bestseller's lists, and has stayed there for a remarkable decade, empowering thousands of women and p*ssing off a plethora of men along the way.Recognized as the dating bible for women, "The Power of the P*ssy” has been called “life changing” and a "must-read" which is why it boasts over a million in sales and has been translated into eight languages worldwide. Kara's success brought her to the airwaves again
    And the intro is already telling us we can CHANGE men to want to stay with us and be loyal.  No we can’t.  If a man’s gonna wanna stray, he’s gonna stray.  I’ve been told time and time again we can’t change them. And she’s saying, oh sure, you can!
    Stay tuned. I probably got more gripes about this book. Lol. 

  • Dang, there was a lot of Prudie today. 
  • @Casadena You are a superstar!  That was a lot and fast!!

    @CharmedPam I think you need to burn that book in a ceremony to release all of that BS, b/c WOW.  :smiley:
  • oh god @charmedpam - return that for $ or trash it if you can't! Sorry you're disappointed if you were looking forward to it. 
  • Oh that is a load of bs @CharmedPam

    Work today. It feels crazy to know there's still two days left. I also have a dentist appointment this weekend so I'm not even excited for Saturday. 

    Thinking of all of the Midwest knotties after the DC flight. =( 

  • M was up puking all night. We seriously cannot catch an effing break. 
  • I hope you guys feel better soon @charlotte989875. You need a break. *Hugs*

  • Casadena said:
    oh god @charmedpam - return that for $ or trash it if you can't! Sorry you're disappointed if you were looking forward to it. 

    oh I didn’t even think of returning it! Lol it’s amazon so I tried.  Reason: “this is a bunch of BS women shouldn’t even be reading”. I got my $ back but no need to return!
    like I was telling my friends “remember when I could go on a date and just be myself? I’d even bring my emotions and all!”

    Sorry about M @charlotte989875, hopefully it’s a less than 24 hr thing for you. 

  • @CharmedPam Oh, it's definitely perimenopause.  I just had gotten the night sweats under control w/a supplement.  Last week I was not good at taking my meds and the night sweats and skin sensitivity came back (I end up ripping off my pajamas in the middle of the night).  Probably TMI: I haven't had a period since the end of November.  Last time I hit 6 months w/out one and then it came back.  I was furious.  
  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 30
    So I’ll ask my doctor when I see her next month, or I can do what most American’s do and google this, but i’m skipping my sugar pill week and have been the last 2 years (to stop my cycle).  I’m curious as that prolongs my menopause? Which I’m actually ok with.

  • Casadena said:
    oh god @charmedpam - return that for $ or trash it if you can't! Sorry you're disappointed if you were looking forward to it. 

    oh I didn’t even think of returning it! Lol it’s amazon so I tried.  Reason: “this is a bunch of BS women shouldn’t even be reading”. I got my $ back but no need to return!

    best of both worlds. Got your money back AND you can burn it. 
  • @levioosa can probably answer better, but I don't think the timing of menopause has much to do with birth control.  It's genetics and family history.  Most of the uterus owners in my family had hysterectomies, so it's only me and my aunt who have gone through regular peri/menopause and I'm just a wee bit earlier than her, to her recollection.
  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 30
    No,  not birth control but the effects of it.  So the last two years I was getting 1 maybe 2 periods instead of 12 a year.  Actually it could have been 3 years of doing that already.  So by not having them, is that pushing out when  could have started for me?
    edit words

  • VarunaTT said:
    @levioosa can probably answer better, but I don't think the timing of menopause has much to do with birth control.  It's genetics and family history.  Most of the uterus owners in my family had hysterectomies, so it's only me and my aunt who have gone through regular peri/menopause and I'm just a wee bit earlier than her, to her recollection.
    Yes and no. We do use low dose birth control to help with menopausal symptoms. So technically you're due when you're due but it can help with the symptoms and you wont feel as many effects.  Birth control doesn't extend your fertility or anything like that. That being said, when the hormones are removed many times you will still go through those menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, fatigue, etc) so you've just delayed them. I realllly wish I was more comfortable with perimenopause/menopause and treatment but unfortunately that's one of the things I need to improve on. The research is all over the place. I defer hormonal treatment to endocrinology or OB because they do it all the time. I am pretty wary of "hormone specialists" that are being touted in the same way that weight loss med spas are everywhere. Because it's not a one size fits all approach. What your friend got may not be appropriate for you. There's monitoring that needs to happen (and a lot of these places just prescribe estrogen without follow-up or monitoring or with risk factors or even without dual prescribing with progesterone, which is the safer way to do it). I had a patient once getting hormones from an outside med spa type provider and their labs were a mess. They were at risk for a stroke because of the treatment. I told them and the response was "they told me it was fine and I'm not going to stop." Okay, well your hemoglobin says otherwise and your blood is basically jello right now. I get it, perimenopause and menopause are miserable. Women's health is deplorable in this country. But I promise you,  the effects of a stroke and cancer/treatment is worse than menopause. 

    I'm with you Varuna. All of the uteruses on my maternal side have had hysterectomies in their 30s, with the exception of my Aunt who had my cousin at like 45. I am both curious and scared to see what menopause for me looks like. 

  • The Contrarian pushed out this article, which I thought was very interesting, b/c it pushes in the face of "women only being good for having kids":
  • ei34ei34 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @CharmedPam ugh sorry about the bs book 
    Hope M’s bug is quick and that no one else gets it @charlotte989875 , how exhausting 

    Had my first ever PT session this morning and it was an incredibly positive experience. Was told yesterday that I have unilateral osteoarthritis in my left knee which what the H?!! Waiting for my insurance to be approved for an mri to see if I have a meniscus tears. But the exercises felt good and I’m going to give it a real shot. Trying to figure out where exactly im going to squeeze in 2-3 sessions a week for 6-8 weeks. I’m thrilled to be divorced from exH but sometimes I do wish that there was a second adult around who could help with the kids. 
  • I hear that @ei34.  I went during work hours on “my lunch” but that was because they basically were open during my working hours! And you have kids which makes it extra hard I know.

    @Casadena, I just got laser treatment and my fave girl (whom I gab with about life a lot) doesn’t work there. They let every nurse practitioner go and only kept registered nurses. She told me she had to take a pay cut too after the switch.  She’s good. I still like her.  I’ve been bad about going and apparently it happened in November. I want to email corporate and be like “bring my girl back AND those old lasers!” 

  • I hear that @ei34.  I went during work hours on “my lunch” but that was because they basically were open during my working hours! And you have kids which makes it extra hard I know.

    @Casadena, I just got laser treatment and my fave girl (whom I gab with about life a lot) doesn’t work there. They let every nurse practitioner go and only kept registered nurses. She told me she had to take a pay cut too after the switch.  She’s good. I still like her.  I’ve been bad about going and apparently it happened in November. I want to email corporate and be like “bring my girl back AND those old lasers!” 
    OH no! I have an appointment next week and it's been a few months, i hope my favorite NP is still there, she's SO much better than every other one i've had there. Just get it done fast and get me out of there. And hard agree, the old lasers were 10x less painful. 
  • So the FCC chief has opened an investigation into NPR and PBS. Cool cool cool cool. 

  • @Casadena Thank you for posting Prudie! I needed that today.

    Nothing much here. Work is a pain in the ass and the world is going to shit. 
  • levioosa said:
    So the FCC chief has opened an investigation into NPR and PBS. Cool cool cool cool. 
    Beyond the obvious intent to intimidate, I hate the wastefulness of this nonsense. Looking to reclaim federal funding? Maybe start with - don't do frivolous shit like this.

    In fall 2020, our state AG sued a number of school districts, including ours, over their pandemic reopening plans and masks. I was like, "So I am paying for this with my state taxes and also with my local taxes, excellent."
    Don't get me started on how infuriating it is when tax dollars are fruitlessly wasted on some politician's pet subject.

    When the Supreme Court protected same sex marriage across the country, the Louisiana governor at the time was Bobby Jindal.  An extremely Republican/conservative dude.  This is a poor state with one of the highest poverty rates in the country.  

    But what did he spend tens of millions of the state's money on?  Fighting in Federal court...multiple times and always unsuccessfully...that the SCOTUS decision still needed to go through proper Federal channels to be the law, so Louisiana didn't have to follow it....yet.  Something like that.
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