Dear Prudence,
I didn’t really understand that my boyfriend might have an eating disorder until we went on a long vacation this December. I also have obsessive hobbies, a limited desire for sweets, and am pretty active so I thought we were similar.
I knew he had a strict gym routine and was a careful eater, but I didn’t fully put the pieces together until I saw him doing this stuff every single day. He’s not technically underweight (I know because he weighs himself daily and tracks it)—he’s muscular with very low body fat. But he maintains that body with two hours of gym daily, nonnegotiable. We both had food poisoning on the day we left? He was still at the hotel gym. We went for a 12-mile hike? Gym afterward. He subsists only on lean protein, water, brown rice, and green vegetables, not just for daily life but for vacation too. He requested these things even when we went to cool restaurants. When he had a Christmas cookie, he thought he was sneaky in puking it up later.
Now that I’ve noticed this, I’ve realized that most of his friends talk about their bodies in the same way. None of them seem to be bulking so much as they’re mostly cutting. Where does the line fall between disordered and careful? How do I bring this up with him? And if I do, are there even resources for men in their 30s? Everything I’ve seen seems aimed at teenage girls or at women.