Wedding Woes

Deliberately obtuse

Dear Prudence, 

I am a middle-aged, unmarried man. I have what some people would consider an unusual sense of humor that involves a lot of wordplay. Also, I tend to be very literal. A few years ago, I tried my hand at online dating and had a phone conversation with a woman I’d contacted. At one point she asked me, “Are you a glass-half-full kind of guy or a glass-half-empty kind of guy?” I answered, “I use paper cups,” which was 100 percent true, not an attempt at humor, and me being literal. That was our only conversation. Was I wrong to give that response?

—Lives at the Seashore, So I’m Very Littoral

Re: Deliberately obtuse

  • That was your response??  That wasn't funny.  You aren't funny.  

    Did you not understand that this was a question that had nothing to do with the glasses you use and everything to do with your outlook?  Because if you don't get that then maybe there's more going on here with you that you may want to begin to understand. 
  • Well I would have hung up on you just on the principle that only using paper cups is wasteful, so there's that. 

    That isn't an odd sense of humor, that's just being an asshole for no reason. 
  • Why is he still dwelling on this a "few years later"?

    I'm also puzzled as to why he gave that answer.  Did he not understand the reference?  And if he is so "literal", a cup is still another word for a glass even if that is not the material it is made up.  And has he "literally never" drank from a vessel that is made from glass.

    This guy is even more off than incel guy. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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