Dear Care and Feeding,
My mother is pro-choice in theory, but in practice, she is not really for abortion. She believes that there are many other options and mourns the potential life that was lost. She has not been shy about her beliefs, so when I found myself pregnant at 16, it was my dad who I went to for help. We discussed my options and he listened and supported me. I had an appointment with a therapist and ultimately decided to have an abortion. My dad paid for it and went with me to the clinic. We agreed, at my insisting, that we wouldn’t tell my mother.
I have achieved all my dreams in the past five years, and I know I made the right choice. I have no regrets. But at a recent luncheon with my aunt, mom, and 19-year-old cousin, my cousin admitted that she was pregnant and didn’t know what to do, but was considering abortion. She is a freshman in college, on scholarship and in a very demanding major. My mother, of course, spoke optimistically of adoption or keeping the baby and related stories of people she knew that had come to regret having an abortion. It was hard to keep my mouth shut and not tell my story about my own abortion and my feelings of relief afterward.
I am torn between A) privately sharing my experience with my cousin and hoping she doesn’t tell anyone else,
telling both my cousin and my mom so that my mom hears the experience of someone who doesn’t have regrets, and C) just keeping my mouth shut. I’d like to support my cousin through this decision, but I also want to protect my relationship with my mom and also my parents’ marriage. I am not sure my mom would forgive my dad for not telling her. Is there another way I can support my cousin without disclosing my secret? I am not shy about telling friends or partners about my past abortion but I really don’t want to lose my relationship with my mother over this. If I do tell my mother and leave out my father’s role in it, then I am not sure that he would feel comfortable lying to her and feigning ignorance when she turns to him. He says he will support me no matter what I decide but I am torn between living my truth and preserving my family. Is there a way to do both?