Wedding Woes


Wishing everyone a weekend filled with joyful and relaxing moments!

@VarunaTT how is your shoulder? @charlotte989875 how is M?

Re: Fri-yay

  • ei34ei34 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    My knee and calf are feeling okay.  I think that the PT (and the prescription strength anti-inflammatory) are helping.

    After months of rehearsal, my DDs school musical is finally here.  Opens tonight with two shows tomorrow.  I'm very excited for her.  And also excited to get some free time back.  The last several Saturdays has involved lots of time for the Drama Mamas, as we're called, lol.  

    Monday is exH's birthday and I've kept the kids' schedules clear for Sunday.  But I'd really love if he could tell me whether he's seeing them or not, and what time.  
  • Oo, break a leg to DD!  I kinda miss high school musicals, they were so fun and a lot of experience and growth for me.

    My shoulder/arm is doing a lot better, I think.  It's still a little achy, but not at all what it was.  I'm still doing the exercises.  My xrays came back normal for my 47 year old self (I hate seeing degenerative disc disease for me, but it's at a normal level for my age), so doctor said to keep up what I was doing now and touch base if it doesn't get better, next step shots and ..... I just really don't want to start down that route.

    No plans for the weekend, beyond relaxing, working on crafts, and hiding from the world. 

    I'm going to make a separate post for y'all to make fun of me on.  :smiley:

  • Aw how cute about the Valentine's Day Ball @Casadena. Boo to annoying mansplaining coworkers though.

    Break a leg, DD! @ei34

    Back to the ollll grind over here. I slept in kind of a lot today and I'm trying to down coffee like it will solve all of life's problems. I have the dentist tomorrow and I don't want to go. We are also going to go to celebrate my grandfather's birthday so that's a lot of driving around. I think Sunday I'll just try and recover. 

  • M is back to school today! Didn’t get sick at all yesterday so we sent him back. Hoping no one else gets it. I’m still recovering from the sinus/ear infections but antibiotics seem to be working. H went out of town to camp but I told him if anyone else starts feeling bad he had to come back immediately. 
  • @ei34, lmao at "Drama Mamas".  Such a fun group name.

    @Casadena, your boys sound so cute with wanting to be "fancy".  I'm having an annoying coworker day also.  The Project Coordinator/Scheduler struck again.  She sends e-mails that feel abrasive to me.  Like "is this going out today?", "Did package XYZ go out?  It's 93 days late."  The vast majority of the time, it is work that either she or the engineers forgot to tell me about (eyeroll).

    @VarunaTT, I wasn't involved in theatre, but now I'm going to name drop!  I graduated with Jorge Garcia (Hurley from Lost).  He was a big theatre geek in HS.  Tried out for all the school plays and often got major roles.  I remember him always seeming happy and with an upbeat attitude.  He was a sweet guy and nice to everyone.  He was very well liked. 

    For our HS graduation, he recited the Pledge of Allegiance while Lynette sang the Star Spangled Banner.  Lynette had this incredible operatic voice, especially unusual for someone so young.  I know she applied to Julliard and am pretty sure she got in.  That's how good she was.  I had gym class with her.  Les Miz was really popular at the time.  Sometimes if class ended early but we weren't dismissed yet, we'd ask Lynette to sing some of those songs.  Fond memories of my talented classmates!

    My friend and I are going to the movies on Saturday.  She had two tickets fall into her lap for Brave the Dark.  It's based on a true story of a teacher who helps a student that became homeless and incarcerated.

    I finally cracked last night and told my H that we HAVE to go on a vacation.  We were putting one off until we moved and got settled in Cincy.  Knew what our money/job situation would be, etc.  But I don't know when that is happening and I'm tired of waiting.  We are tentatively planning to go over Mardi Gras week.  Last year was supposed to be my last MG and I'm not happy to still be here.

    I think we are going to do a Charleston/Savannah trip.  They are a two-hour drive away from each other.  Or a 90-minute train ride that's only $17, heck yeah!  I was surprised how cheap it is to fly between Charleston and NOLA.  Whereas Savannah flights were twice as much.  The curse of when your city is big enough to have an airport, but it's not important enough for cheap flights, lol.

    I see that when I go home to CA also.  LAX is super cheap to fly into, but the least convenient for where I'm going.  Especially because my mom refuses to drive anywhere in LA, lol.  San Diego is in the middle for price and convenience, but still about a third more than LA.  The most convenient airport is the tiny Orange County one.  But it's at least 50% more than LA and not surprised if it's double.

    But a cruise has been talked about also, probably leaving out of one of the FL ports.  I know that state is surrounded by water, but dang.  They have SEVEN cruise ship ports!  With Miami being the most active cruise ship port in the world.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • CharmedPamCharmedPam member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 31
    First time skydiving @MyNameIsNot? Or have you done it before?
    good luck to DD @ei34
    @varunaTT, granted my issues were 1.5 ago but my cortisone shot really really helped. I was putting on my jacket today (the hardest task) and noticed I didn’t even need to use my injured arm first. I always put on zip ups/jackets that way so it became second nature for me and it’s getting better.  I would think surgery wouldn’t be the route you’d want to take. Get that shot! Lol
    @casadena shut up, that is is adorbs! He thinks of everything lol
    my philosophy @short+sassy is always TAKE THAT VACATION! Any time you can lol. Buy now. Worry later is what I always say.  Don’t look at my cc Statement please.

    my friend and I signed up for the insidious experience next weekend and we got an email that they canceled it. I looked it up.  The entire tour is canceled because it was so bad! Lol.  Oh well, now it’s money towards Moulin Rouge, which isn’t horrible. Or shouldn’t be.
    I saw “beautiful” the Carole King musical again last night.  It was ok, and worth the ticket holder price of $50.  But I liked another version I saw better.  Plus a bunch of ladies couldn’t stop talking through the show which was SO disrespectful. To us, and more importantly the actors since they were so close up could probably hear giggling during a dramatic scene involving substance abuse. Time and place ladies! 
    Edit words

  • Busy weekend ahead!

    Tomorrow is Chiquita's fencing tournament and then dinner w/ the ILs for a pre-birthday celebration for DH and Chinese food.  Somehow we're picking up the food on the way which is MIL's convenient way of cheapening out.  I don't really care since it's not expensive and on the way but she's transparent. 

    Sunday is my book club lunch which is at a place I love and haven't been to in years.  On the way home I'll grab something else for DH's birthday in prep to celebrate on Monday.  

    Had an interesting meeting this afternoon where I heard the management equivalent of "Check yourself before you wreck yourself," directed at a coworker and I'm grateful I practiced the art of silence.  Wish me luck on that tomorrow night! 
  • Happy early birthday! @MyNameIsNot

  • Happy Birthday @MyNameIsNot!

    We're in Chicago until Monday. Just a trip to see the boys whom we haven't seen since Christmas. The weather was horrible today. At least it is suppose to be better the rest of the weekend. Swim lessons tomorrow for the twins and on Sunday after church for the almost 4 year old. Tomorrow DD and SIL are going to a fundraiser for a local dance group. H and I are watching the boys. Macaroni and cheese was requested for dinner. Sunday will be church, swim and H will grill burgers. 

    @CharmedPam we've seen Beautiful several times and it was always the same show (love it!). How was this one different? DD and SIL gave us tickets to Moulin Rouge in April. Actually DD still has to buy them as we just decided on a date today.
  • Drury lane’s productions set wasn’t the best (they tried to be creative and the background wad hanging tapestry). The main singers were great - but I saw this a year ago at paramount and the supporting musical cast (the Shirelles and Drifters was much better.  Keep in mind, I’m going off a comparison too.  

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