Wedding Woes


How was everyone's weekend?  
Wishing all a smooth and healthy week! :) 

Re: Monday

  • Weekend??  What a packed time!

    Chiquita zoomed from practice Friday night to sing the national anthem for the basketball team.  We pushed to crash early and Saturday she had her 1st tournament Saturday that ran from 9-4:45.  She had 14 bouts, 10 of which were to 5 touches and 4 of which were to 15 and she placed 4th overall out of approximately 23 in her category!  I was impressed and she held her own!

    Sunday we got up early and headed to an early mass so she'd be able to attend and help out at the varsity tournament and I was the sub cantor for the late morning mass.  Book club, shopped for the rest of DH"s gifts which were today and then got into laundry mode for the rest of the day.   The kids woke up to a 2 hour delay so Chiquita was grateful to finally get more sleep.  Kiddo's burning the candle at both ends.

    And my 10 year old is full on in the phase of not needing a coat or wearing boots.  
  • This was a really nice weekend.  I've decided that on the weekends, I'm going to stay off social media and the news as much as possible to maintain good mental health.  I did a pretty good job.  Saturday I just loafed around the house and did chores.  Sunday I went to see my friend T and we sat outside on his front porch! because it was so warm and sunshine.  Then I grabbed my friend K and we went to a brewery and my local hangout.  It was really good for me, I definitely went feral and started hiding the last few weeks, but I need my support system around me to just energize me and help me stay sane.

    I'm getting excited for some of the plans this month.  I'm going to a rave and trying to figure out WTF my 47 year old self wants to wear to a rave in February.  At least we can walk to the place it's being held from my place, but I know it will be hot in the club.  Also, one of my good friends and I were laughing about this, b/c I told her what I was thinking about wearing, she said, Dear god, that sounds so 90s, and I said 90s are back, baby!  B/c jeans, black cage bra, and black fishnet top over it, with chunky loafers?  NEVER out of style.  :smiley:  Then I'm going to see my BFF preach and his storyteller night, both things that I've never gotten to see him do.  Both of my bosses live in KC, so I might meet them for lunch while I'm there.  Then BFF will be here the weekend after.  Then it's my birthday!  Somewhere in there is a 2nd rave (as long as the person I'm going to the 1st one with and I don't end up hating each other).  I am making sure to find the moments of joy, to shore up my resistance.

    I watched the new "Sherlock Holmes" story that's on, Watson, with Morris Chestnut.  It was interesting enough for me to watch some more of it, but I will say that it'd better improve quickly.  Pilots are always so awkward anyway, b/c they have to set up so much, but this one was especially awkward.  But I like the new interpretations, so willing to see where it goes.  I also love Morris Chestnut, he's so handsome, a good actor, and his smile is just beautiful.

  • My friend and I watched Brave the Dark on Saturday.  We both liked the movie.  It was interesting and inspirational.  It was based on a true story and we loved some of the follow up scenes after the movie itself ended.  They had pictures and video through the years of the real people and what happened to them.  One of the main people the movie was based on, talked about it.

    Then we went on a marathon shopping spree.  Or at least I did, lol.  She had never been to an Aldi's...they are new in our we stopped at one since we were in the 'burbs.  She wasn't as impressed as I've been (shrug).  Then we stopped at a Big Lots because they are closing all their brick and mortar stores.  "Up to" 50% off all items.  But hardly anything was 50% off.  Meh!  We were both side-eying how high the prices were considering it is an "all sales final" close out sale.  Even their Halloween/Christmas decor was only 20-30% off.  Their old-ass Christmas gift sets with food were only 10% off.  All food/drinks was only10% off.

    I might swing by there again in a month or so.  See if they have come to their senses with better pricing, lol.  But still, we both picked up some items that were a good deal.  
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  • We just got back from our weekend in Chicago. It was good. Friday night we had family movie night: Peter Pan (WD version) and pizza. Saturday was swim lessons for the twins. DD and SIL went to a fund raiser for a dance company so I cooked mac-n-cheese using a recipe from Lidia Bastianich. It was really good. The boys loved it. Also we had broccoli but they usually don't touch their vegetables. We surprised them with ice cream for dessert.

    Sunday DD, H and I skipped church. The twins went to catechism and SIL went to Mass. afterwards the 3 year old had swim lessons. The rest of the day was just doing stuff at home. The weather wasn't good enough for the boys to play outside. Last night I caught up on The Way Home. I hadn't watched any of it this season so between Saturday and Sunday I got the 5 episodes done. 

  • We cannot catch a break. J now has the stomach bug. Puked all over him, and me, this morning. So I’m expecting to be sick in 36-48 hours too. Ugh. 

    Weekend was fine- hug out with H’s sister and her kids and just took it easy after all the sickness. Watched Tangled and honestly- there are some bangers on that soundtrack! 
  • We cannot catch a break. J now has the stomach bug. Puked all over him, and me, this morning. So I’m expecting to be sick in 36-48 hours too. Ugh. 

    Weekend was fine- hug out with H’s sister and her kids and just took it easy after all the sickness. Watched Tangled and honestly- there are some bangers on that soundtrack! 
    I'm so sorry @charlotte989875.  Vesuvius kids are my least favorite.  It was literally 8 years ago when the virus ripped through here because I remember waking up to hearing Chiquito getting sick and rolling over to tell DH "Knew it. Happy birthday."  And within days I had it and so did Chiquita.  DH walked around wondering when he'd get his and he didn't. 

    Wishing you all the luck and patience.  I hope that pendulum swings back to better luck soon!

  • @ILoveBeachMusic, I saw you mention "Devour" week on a previous post.  I LOVE it when cities have restaurant weeks or months, though I've only been to the NOLA ones.  Maybe I should start basing my vacations on things like this, lol.  I think NYC has a Food Network series of events in October. Is Indy's Devour week usually in late Jan/early Feb?  I spied on some of the restaurants and was especially intrigued by a cider place with flights.  If I'm living in Cincy for the next one, it would be a fun long weekend to visit Indy and eat my way through the city, lol.  My H has never been there.  I think I went there for one day as a child, but it doesn't really count.

    We were visiting relatives in OH and drove out to my dad's childhood friend.  I remember he was a pastor and lived in a house on the same property as the church.  The backyard of the house was a totally open area with no fences.  It was right next to the church's graveyard!  My sister and I thought that was the coolest thing ever, lol.  But I believe he was in/near Indianapolis because I vaguely remember I liked that the city's name had the sound "apple" in it.  I asked my dad if they had a lot of apples and could we bring some back to my aunt's house, lol.  Such a random memory!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @short+sassy there are two Devour weeks. The first is in January but I can't remember when the second is. Maybe September? You should try Charleston's Restaurant week. It is such a foodie city. I went there a few years ago with some sorority sisters (one lived there so we stayed at her house). It was a lot of fun.

  • @short+sassy there are two Devour weeks. The first is in January but I can't remember when the second is. Maybe September? You should try Charleston's Restaurant week. It is such a foodie city. I went there a few years ago with some sorority sisters (one lived there so we stayed at her house). It was a lot of fun.


    Doh!  I just missed Charleston's.  It was Jan 9-Jan 19th this year.  Perhaps they have another one later in the year also but if we go, it will be in the next 2-3 months.

    Apparently there is also a Charleston, WV with a restaurant week.  They almost tricked me, lol.
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