Wedding Woes

Terrible Tuesday

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Re: Terrible Tuesday

  • ei34ei34 member
    Knottie Warrior 2500 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    I had the bumpiest morning.  I am deciding to blame the surge of emotions that come with PMS.  Everything was just sending me over. 
    On the drive to school I (as calmly as I could) let the kids know that we need a breakfast revamp.  Not sure if it's coming tomorrow or this weekend or what.  My earliest riser is up by 5:40 and is famished.  My sleepiest head has to be dragged out of bed at 6:15 (sometimes 6:18 if we're pushing it, we have to be out the door by 6:50).  I'm not hungry until late morning.  So as it is we don't sit and eat breakfast as a family on weekdays (is that bad?).  But I remember cereal, every day of my life, with the exception of weekends when my mom would make pancakes some Saturdays and we'd usually pick up bagels after church on Sundays.  But school days it was cereal. The kids are into anything 90s so I framed it as a 90s-style breakfast.  Cereal or nothing.  I'm tired of a Kodiak waffle for one and then cleaning up followed by peanut butter toast for the next 15 minutes later and then a smoothie for the third and then as I'm cleaning out the blender the first is back and looking for second breakfast at 6:25 when I'm trying to get the lunch boxes into backpacks or whatever else I've moved onto.  My breaking points are that they eat at scattered times and also that everyone wants something different.  It's just the total opposite of dinner, where we all sit and eat at ABC time and everyone is eating XYZ.  I can no longer run Mom's Diner each morning. 
    (And the kicker is our school district offers free breakfast and lunch to all students, regardless of income, and it's a reasonably healthy breakfast.  So if the cereal isn't enough for them I want them to get into the habit of just having that as second breakfast option.)  
    So that is my FWP breakfast drama.  PMSing made me more annoyed with it than usual but it's a needed revamp.  
  • My kids are now out the door at separate times so it's a bit different.  The oldest has to be out the door at 6: 45 to get the bus at 6:50 and she's not really into breakfast so I make her a Carnation instant breakfast that's chocolate in a blender.  While doing that I make a chocolate milk and put out a cereal bowl for Chiquito to have Cheerios that he can make himself.   The in between Chiquita catching the bus and Chiquito getting on the bus is when I work out.  SO Chiquito eats alone while DH is getting out of bed to shower and I'm working out.   

    IMO, family togetherness is over rated in the morning when some of the family members haven't fully risen into themselves.  

    And on the weekends right now it's more of the same.  Chiquita needs to be at the high school for fencing meets at 7 AM.  If I got my family up to eat at 6:30 on a Saturday there would be mutiny.   So Saturday breakfast is another free for all much like week days.   We'll change it up once a new season of activity hits but it's one of the days that we're just trying to make it to commitments on time and I'm not a short order cook.

    Dinner we eat as a family as often as possible.   
  • I like some of those pre made breakfast sandwiches and pockets. I like homemade better but you may not have the time for that?
    My calendar is booking up for 2025 trips and one for 2026
    already.  This is the year of travel! Also, the year of broadway shows since I bought subscriptions for two local theaters and one for downtown.  I’m also buying some one off tickets not in the season subscription.  My friend and I had tickets for “the insidious experience” for next weekend but it was canceled. The reviews for it were SO bad. Thanks for helping us save the time and money, but I usually like to determine what’s bad or good to me. 

  • Also, one thing I'll do on the weekends when I DO have family breakfast is to sometimes make a double batch of waffles.  I'll let them cool and freeze them.  Then they can be heated in the toaster oven for when a kid wants a waffle. 
  • @ei34, I'm surprised I have a lot of thoughts on this, even though I am not a mom, lol.  My mom coddled my sister and I a lot when we were children and even teenagers.  Not enough it had a negative effect on us as adults.  But I cringe now when I think about all the extra work she did, for things my sister and I were perfectly capable of doing. 

    I know we often had cereal for breakfast, though not always even on school days.  Sometimes we had scrambled eggs and toast.  But it was only me and my sister.  We either left at the same time or it was close enough that breakfast was only made once.  We were expected to take our dishes to the sink and wipe up any spills/crumbs from a fairly early age.  So I FEEL like there wasn't any/much cleanup.  But I could also see the possibility my mom would laugh at that.

    I remember I was trying to diet in high school.  My mom would have a piece of toast with peanut butter and half a grapefruit, already sectioned!, waiting for me when I was done getting dressed.  I was definitely a "late riser, drag me out of bed" child which I'm guessing is why she had my breakfast waiting even when I was old enough to do it myself.  I'm also a "late riser, drag me out of bed" adult.  So now I bring easy to prepare breakfast things to work, lmao.

    Is it possible your kids are old enough to do some of these things for themselves?  Especially clean-up.  For the "second breakfast" kid, maybe they could have a few easy/no clean-up options like a protein bar.

    Could they all perhaps have a snack (if needed) and then get breakfast at school? 


    Now my political rant. 

    I love it so much your school district provides free lunch AND BREAKFAST!  What?!?  There was no breakfast available until I was in high school and it was only donuts so I don't think that counts, lol.  None of it free.  Lunch was only free for people below a certain income level and it was limited to the cafeteria meal.  I don't think it included extra choices, like the highly coveted French bread pizzas. 

    Now I live in place with a political climate of "Protect fetus lives at all costs!  But once they're born, kids should starve to death if their parents can't provide enough food.  Don't spend/raise my taxes for free meals at school."

    The first year of COVID, I think all of Louisiana provided free lunches for students including in the summer.  I know they at least did in Orleans parish.  Schools weren't open, people would pick them up.

    It really underlined the awful point that the free school lunch was sometimes the only meal a child got and could count on for the day.  But during summers in the past, they were more food insecure.

    For second COVID summer, the idea was raised, "Hey!  We saw how well people picking up a lunch for their child worked when schools were closed during COVID.  Let's continue free student lunches for the summer."  It was also a pretty minimal cost.

    You'd think making sure a child could have one solid meal a day would be a non-partisan issue.  Surely something we can all agree on.  Oh but no!  Huge controversy, smh.  It's hard to know you live around so many hateful people, which then causes me to feel so much hate.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • WFH home today, i can feel a sinus infection coming on and have a sore throat/ears and headache. Was quiet enough that i got to take a 2 hour nap over lunch and will sign off a bit early to close my eyes again before the kids get home. H and i are supposed to go to a fundraiser gala on Saturday and we're actually planning to spend the night away, really don't want to be sick for that. 

    Kiddos have been in MOODS lately. Absolutely destructive and defiant and it's so frustrating. Breakfast is an ordeal in our house too @ei34 and love your solutions. Our kids tend to just draaaaag. I don't think they're hungry first thing, but we've always done breakfast before changing clothes. They're old enough now that it's not as big a deal - i think we need to do full clothes change/teeth brush/etc before we come down and eating is last. IF there's not time, grab a bar for the car. change is tough at 5 and 3 so we'll see. 

  • I'm team cereal in the mornings. We didn't have school breakfast when I was a kid either. Our options were get up and get cereal if you have time, if not you can eat a cereal bar on the bus. A protein bar is still my weekday go-to, even though WFH means I have options. 

    Nothing much going on here. The weekend was great! It was 70 most days so we did a ton of things outside. Skydiving yesterday was incredible, but my ear still hasn't totally popped. I can't tell if that means I have a cold coming or that spring allergies are hitting early after being outside all weekend. The daffodils are even starting to poke up already. 
  • I think that's a good plan @ei34. I eat more pancakes now than I did as an adult and I definitely remember eating mainly cereal or (don't judge me, lol) Malt-o-meal. I made both on my own as a kid.

    Weekend was a lot. Saturday went to spend time with Grandpa for his birthday. It was a nice time but I was exhausted from the week. My mom is really really pissing me off. I get that she is overwhelmed and depressed, but I am tired of the lack of accountability or responsibility for any of it. Trying to be empathetic and kind but firm is so hard. She is also so deep into loathing and depression that she is committing financial suicide with some of her choices and I want to shake her. Truly my parents are destroying our lives and I'm so torn because it's not like they're toxic in the way that makes it easy for me to be like "you know what? You made your bed, now lie in it." But it is toxic enough to affect our own quality of life and well being. 

    Sunday morning mom called me and they were taking Grandma to the hospital for dizziness which luckily turned out to be "nothing." H and I have been talking and I think I am going to have to seriously start spending weekends there.  Otherwise, SSDD here. I'm kind of regretting booking a show for Friday (although I'm sure once we get there it will be fun), and I'm also kicking myself at pshawing the $14 money back cancellation option. 

  • My kids are far enough a part in age that there were few years they were on the same morning schedule. I usually did oatmeal, waffles (frozen), pancakes (frozen) or cereal for them. They never ate breakfast at school. It wasn't always an option but did become one at some point. We did always try to eat dinner together but that sometimes fell by the wayside when they were in sports/band.

    Growing up I remember having cereal or toast, maybe a carnation instant breakfast occasionally.

    I was at the car dealership for 2 1/2 hours today for an oil change and filter replacement. It was only suppose to take 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Ugh! I still need to get new tires but I told them I didn't have time for that today. Tomorrow a friend and I are going to a political rally downtown. I've never done anything like that before. I feel like I have to do something though. I've been contacting senators as if that would do any good in crimson red Indiana.
  • My kids are far enough a part in age that there were few years they were on the same morning schedule. I usually did oatmeal, waffles (frozen), pancakes (frozen) or cereal for them. They never ate breakfast at school. It wasn't always an option but did become one at some point. We did always try to eat dinner together but that sometimes fell by the wayside when they were in sports/band.

    Growing up I remember having cereal or toast, maybe a carnation instant breakfast occasionally.

    I was at the car dealership for 2 1/2 hours today for an oil change and filter replacement. It was only suppose to take 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Ugh! I still need to get new tires but I told them I didn't have time for that today. Tomorrow a friend and I are going to a political rally downtown. I've never done anything like that before. I feel like I have to do something though. I've been contacting senators as if that would do any good in crimson red Indiana.
    I have similar feelings of hopelessness.

    There was a call to action in the New Orleans subreddit to contact Sen. Cassidy's phone, so the "tally" would be immediate...that we were opposed to him endorsing RFK.

    He's super red.  But is an MD and vaccine advocate.  He also voted for Trump's impeachment.  So there was the slightest hope.  The assumption is he'll be voted out in two years anyway for someone even more conservative.  Because his impeachment vote will not be forgiven by the Trump sycophant voters here.

    Sen. Cassidy is Chairman of the Senate Committee with oversight of HHS.  He gave a speech on the Senate floor today for why he is endorsing RFK.  He also had a social media statement that he had very intense conversations with Bobby and the White House over the weekend and that morning.  With a special thanks to VP JD for his honest counsel.

    Honest counsel?  Gag.  Bobby?  Didn't realize they were at the buddy-buddy nickname stage. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • My kids are far enough a part in age that there were few years they were on the same morning schedule. I usually did oatmeal, waffles (frozen), pancakes (frozen) or cereal for them. They never ate breakfast at school. It wasn't always an option but did become one at some point. We did always try to eat dinner together but that sometimes fell by the wayside when they were in sports/band.

    Growing up I remember having cereal or toast, maybe a carnation instant breakfast occasionally.

    I was at the car dealership for 2 1/2 hours today for an oil change and filter replacement. It was only suppose to take 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Ugh! I still need to get new tires but I told them I didn't have time for that today. Tomorrow a friend and I are going to a political rally downtown. I've never done anything like that before. I feel like I have to do something though. I've been contacting senators as if that would do any good in crimson red Indiana.
    I've got two R senators as well. My tack has largely been to remind them of what they went through to get elected to the legislative branch of government, and did they do all that to cede their elected powers and responsibility to constituents to certain unelected persons and the executive branch?
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