Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Aircraft Carrier Decor???

Hello all!  So, my fiance and I have decided to wed on the flight deck of the USS Hornet Museum.  Any ideas on how to decorate without breaking the bank?  Wind *is* a factor, as it does get quite breezy up there.

Re: Aircraft Carrier Decor???

  • OK, this is my third attempt to post a reply.  This time I was smart enough to copy the text before I hit "add post" because it totally ate it again.

    I just typed out a huge response that the knot didn't feel worthy of keeping.  Again.

    OK - first off, I think your wedding sounds incredibly cool.  With that location I don't think I'd have a long veil, maybe birdcage?  I would also be mindful of the dresses your girls wear so a good gust of wind doesn't produce the Marilyn Monroe dress above your panties shot.  I'd keep your flowers in a very tight arrangement so the wind can't blow them up.

    You would probably want to keep tulle and ribbon to an absolute minimum.  I'm with Stage on this - I don't think you need wedding decorations, let the Hornet do its thing.  It will be awesome.

    One other thing - industrial strength hairspray for all the women!  Good luck.
  • Pinwheels anchored buckets of sand.
    Ribbons fluttering would be pretty -- as long as they are not whipping someone in the face. 

  • Wow, that's an awesome idea.
    I agree with PPs and think your best bet would probably be to not do anything at all. Except maybe ribbon wands for your guests or if you want to somehow include flowers, some pomander balls hanging on the end of each row of chairs.
  • edited August 2012
    Thank you!!!  Your suggestions are great.  Bridesmaids dresses are short and sturdy.  Industrial-strength hairspray, check!  Haha, thank you again. 

    I like the pinwheels and ribbons....I want the ceremony to look pretty as well as.....well, iron-y.
  • WOW, so jealous. I agree with the PP's in their ideas, but that will be AWESOME! :)
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