
My first "awww" moment

Back story-Last year I lost my Poppies (grandpa) and it was pretty hard on me. A few months later dh proposed and the second person I told was my grandma dot who I was very close to, as well as being my last surviving grandparent. Well May of this year, exactly one year from my Poppies passing, we had our " wedding party/reception" in San Fran for my grandma to see. Then 3 weeks later and three weeks before the wedding she passed away too. It was really tough, and ten within a year, I had neither. We went to Dallas the weekend before last to visit one his four grandmothers. I am not going to lie, I was so bummed. I was really happyfor him because she and the rest of his grandparents adore the heck out of him. Anyway on the drive home we did some soul searching while eating Collins st cookies and I told him how bittersweet that was for me to see him with his grandma. He looked at me and told me " Shannon it's your family too." I lost it. It was so sweet. Then I came home to a belated birthday card from her saying "happy birthday grand daughter" and an email asking for baby pictures so she can put them on her wall with the other grand children. His family has always been SO inviting but this just touched me so much. :) Anyone had their Awwwww moment yet??
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Re: My first "awww" moment

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    edited December 2011
    Exscuse the typos, ladies... I'm on my phone.
    DX PCOS 11/10 - Failed Adoption 9/11 - LEEP 12/11 - Starting Clomid 4/1/12


    I did it. I started a blog.

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    sweet__peasweet__pea member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    OMG!  That is just the sweetest thing!Yes, I have an "aaaaawwww" moment.My mom passed away in 2005 losing her battle to breast cancer.  Well, there is always this one huge star that I see every night and like to think that is her watching over me and my family.Well, for my birthday a couple of weeks ago, my FI bouqht me a telescope.  While I was excited about it (I love astronomy), I was confused.  He said it was so that I could see my mom closer.  That was enough for me to just start crying, because that was the sweetest thing he could have done.
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    shelly0921shelly0921 member
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    edited December 2011
    Thats such a sweet story!
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    ayersfam20ayersfam20 member
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    edited December 2011
    That is really sweet.  I'm so sorry for your losses, but I'm glad you have more Grandparents. :-)
    Abbie Rose 9.26.2004
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    nchschic05nchschic05 member
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    edited December 2011
    aww Shan that is soo sweet!! My dad passed away going on 9 years and I am still upset about it from time to time b/c I was such a daddy's girl. Now FFIL makes me feel so close to him everytime I am around. He told me Friday he was proud I was his daughter to be :)
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks yall! It's even sweeter because she didn't know anything that's happened in the last year. She was just being sweet!
    DX PCOS 11/10 - Failed Adoption 9/11 - LEEP 12/11 - Starting Clomid 4/1/12


    I did it. I started a blog.

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome

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    STBMrsMartinSTBMrsMartin member
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    edited December 2011
    That is so sweet. I you have me all teary eyed at work. Your DH and GMIL made my heart smile.I father passed away Christmas Eve 2007. During the whle planning process I was very emotional b/c I knew my dad wouldn't be there. My step dad was great stepping into the FOB role. During the father daughter dance (w/step dad) at the wedding I was bawling crying and thanked him. I looked around the room all the girls were crying. I looked at my sister she was the worst. When we got done I rushed over there and hugged her so hard and she said to me "He loves you so much & he would have done anything to be here."
    Our little miracle, Jett.
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    edited December 2011
    That is so sweet. It made me tear up. :) We all have such amazing FI/DH!! The week the FI came back from Iraq the lady I am named after who is like a grandma to me decided to be taken off all her meds and go home to die peacefully. This was a couple days before the FI was to come home from Iraq. The day after he came home my mom called me to tell me she had passed and what she wanted me to know before she passed. It was like how she thought I would be a beautiful bride and hope the best for my marriage. I fell apart and the FI just held me and said I know where we are going to go. She lives in California and we would always go to this restaurant called The Hat with her. He had looked up how to get there and took me there for lunch. He had planned to take me at the end of the week but decided to take me right there. It was a three hour drive and out of our way but he took me. We sat in the booth I sat with her the last time I was there. I cried while we ate our sandwich. Then he was like let's go to Down Town Disney. We were not far from it. So he took me and we walked around and just had fun. That's what the picture from below is from. I was so shocked because since he just got back I had all these plans of things I knew he would like. He just said forget it all we are going and I don't care how far it is.
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    edited December 2011
    I have no living grandparents but FI has two. His Grandpa sends me emails daily just chit chatting with me about the weather and odds and ends here and there. There was a few days where I couldn't write and when we went up to St. Louis for the funeral, first words out of his mouth was "are you mad at me? I didn't get any emails for a few days, I can't have my future grand daughter hating me!" It was soo sweet!
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    hoopsgirlhoopsgirl member
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    edited December 2011
    those stories are so sweet, ladies!
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    fyrelle74fyrelle74 member
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    edited December 2011
    so sweet! All of you..I'm all teary over here.
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