
Anyone see 20/20 on Friday?

It was about a man living in Texas who knowingly had HIV and led a promiscuous lifestyle with multiple partners. Do you think he should go to jail? or do you think women should take care of themselves and demand safe sex? Texas does not have a law against this act, but 23 other states do.
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Re: Anyone see 20/20 on Friday?

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    edited December 2011
    I think it should be against the law for the same reason 23 other states do. You are basically killing someone and you know you are doing it. It is premeditated murder to me. What if someone said they wouldn't have sex without a condom and they did use one and still she got AIDS. You can be safe and still pass it. You should tell your partners ahead of time all the time. I personally know someone with AIDS in my family. I know for a fact he even agrees you should be open about it with sexual partners. He has a wife and a normal life. This is possible because of drugs and being safe. It's also possible because he is open about it. So I think Texas should join in on the the law!
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