
Poll for the marrieds

did you get tipsy on your wedding night?did your DH?I thought this would be a fun one!

Re: Poll for the marrieds

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    edited December 2011
    I drank at the reception, nothing before the ceremony. I really don't know how intoxicated I was. I think not too much. I do remember going to the bar to refill my wine a few times but I don't know if it was "drunkness" or just being totally out of it. Maybe a tad bit of both...out of it and a little buzzed I think possibly.DH sure drank more than I did. Not trashed but he was enjoying himeslf alot. As we were dancing towards the end of the night I told him the limo would be there soon for us and he said "what!? I don't want to leave yet" haha
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    shelly0921shelly0921 member
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    edited December 2011
    We partied the night before but didn't drink before the ceremony. We both drank plenty @ reception but weren't drunk. We wanted to stay awake all night :)
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    Eboix518Eboix518 member
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    edited December 2011
    I had maybe half a glass of champagne before the ceremony. We definitely drank during the reception, but my drink was taken away a lot of the times when we were on the dance floor or I just put it down - I can't even remember if I finished a whole glass. I had a couple vodka sodas and my glass of champagne. We didn't have too much at the reception, it was the partying after = )We drank after wards until 2One of DH's gm's brought him a shot of tequila and I told the gm one and that was it lol
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    txbootsytxbootsy member
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    edited December 2011
    No we had a dry reception. We had a glass of champagne at the reception and we had a bottle in our room.  
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    edited December 2011
    We had a dry reception too - very religious and conservative family. Come to think of it, I think I had a drink several days into the honeymoon.

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    edited December 2011
    We took shots of Jameson before we were going to the chapel.. Personally I only had two. At the reception we had our champagne and then we moved onto beer then someone thought it'd be great to give us celebratory shots of tequila...and then the rest of the bottle of champagne in the limo and room. Worst headache ever.
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    erin0709erin0709 member
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    edited December 2011
    Yes, both of us got tipsy but not until the after-party mostly.  No alcohol before the ceremony, but we drank some champagne in the limo from the church to the reception hall.  I had only 2 glasses of wine at the reception and the champagne toast, mainly because I was talking, dancing, and taking pictures most of the time.  We had decided to have an after-party at the place where DH and I met, and after we changed clothes and refreshed, we met up with our friends/family there and proceeded to get tipsy. Lots of shots were basically put in front of our faces, so we didn't want to be rude and refuse to drink them.  ;-) 
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    edited December 2011
    I was the tipsy bride :0) But like Erin this didn't take place until after the reception. There were so many pauses for pictures and dances that I couldnot finish off my drinks. I think I only ended up having 3 watered down cran & vodka. It was funny. Now after the reception, that's a different story. We had people buying us drinks left and right. DH knows when to call it quits because he "hates the drunk feeling". Me on the other hand well, hey, ya can't pass up a free drink. It's just rude :0) Just sayin.. I wasn't sloppy drunk but I was feeling pretty good.
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    Eboix518Eboix518 member
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    edited December 2011
    We had a crazy idea to go to flying saucer at 1:15 in the morning (after the reception AND being at the hotel bar after) with my sister and a few others everyone applauded when we walked in and bought us all kinds of drinks and shots - that is when we should have stopped lol
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    edited December 2011
    dh hardly had anything at all. maybe a beer or two before the wedding. i had a glass of champagne.reception - i prolly had more than him. i had a few frozen wine-based ritas. but i had just enough to feel pretty good and didnt overdo it
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    edited December 2011
    nope not even close.only booze we had was champagne for the toast. Hubby's family doesn't drink.
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    STBMrsMartinSTBMrsMartin member
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    edited December 2011
    I wished I got tipsy. I barley drank even water the whole day. Too much was going on for me to enjoy a sip. I was so dehydrated at the end of the night. I put my dress on at 2pm and didn't take it off till 4am and I didn't pee not once! DH drank a little bit, but same thing with him. So much was going on he didn't have a chance to drink.
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    allinannieallinannie member
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    edited December 2011
    no yes but i didnt  really notice.
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    edited December 2011
    I forgot about the bottle we had in our hotel afterwards. Thats too...
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