My FI and myself are from two very different cultural and religious backgrounds. Our family's have made it very clear (both sides) that they would be very unhappy if the other's religion were part of the ceremony. Therefore, we have decided to get married by a judge. After a ton of called in favors and denials we have found one district court judge (friend of a friend) that said "she probably can do it or will find someone else who can." My wedding is in late June and her assistant told me to call back in March. The assistant was rude when I asked for something in writing to confirm that someone will officiate as I am afraid I will call back in March and no one will remember the discussion. Should I just check officiant off of my list as a completed task and assume everything will be okay in March? Or should I start looking for other types of officiants? I really want the judge but I am nervous about the gamble. Opinions would be appreciated.