I have a Florist! : ) .
My Grandma has used this florist for everything! We have had several graduation and birthday parties and used their services. So, I knew that when I got engaged, they would be my pick for a florist.
How it works: (I know this might seem scary to some brides, but I am taking a go with the flow approach to my wedding. lol) A week (yes, a week) before your wedding, you go to their back room with a designer and handpick all the flowers you want for your centerpieces, bouquets, arrangements...everything! This makes it cheaper for you, because they don't have to special order anything and if you don't have a specific flower you just need (which if you pick flowers that are in season, you are sure to get them). You come in before they put their flowers for sale and there is no flower that is off limits to you. Anything in their back room can be used.. So get this:
Boutineers: $7.95
Bridal Bouquets: $40-45
Not sure on other prices yet.
Thats a good deal right? I have definitely seen way more expensive.
I know some brides might not want to do that a week before, but we have used them for almost everything and get tons of compliments on the flowers and arrangements. And you just can't beat some of those prices. And prices don't ever change and you can come a few months before and get an estimate...
Again, Just thought I should share my thoughts. haha. Hope it helps someone!