Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Unity Candle and the Unity Sand Ceremony

Hey everyone, I just have a random question...My Fiance and I were originally planning on doing a sand ceremony instead of a Unity Candle, well for Christmas, a lady in our church who we are very close with bought us a Unity Candle...I don't want to not use it, but I also want to do the Sand Ceremony...Does anyone have any ideas on how we can incorporate BOTH into the wedding?

Re: Unity Candle and the Unity Sand Ceremony

  • ummmmm maybe do the unity candle before you say your vows and after the officiant says you may kiss ur bride blah blah do the sand right before you leave.....
  • Two seems like a little much for me too.  But why don't you have the candle at the head table and during prayer the two of you light it together? 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I would run it by your minister too. I know ours refuses to do Unity Candle due to what it represents. The issue is not with unity its about giving up on your individuality, since a person can have both.
  • I have not heard of anybody doing both and Unity Candle and Unity Sand Ceremony. More and more people are doing the Unity Sand Ceremony indoors. The Sand was orginally for outdoors where a candle would more likely blow out. I have a website with Vows for a Unity Sand Ceremony Set. I think any of them could be modifided to include a candle. Just light the candle & pour the sand one after the other. I hope this helps with your decision.

    Rex M. Tubbs
  • I like the idea of using the candle at the head table and lighting right after the prayer during the reception.
  • sorry im new to this tradition . unity sand is done how exactly?

    i almost feel embarased to askFrown
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