Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

No bridal party - what to do with my bouquet during ceremony?

Hi Ladies.  So, my fiance and I are having a small (<40) destination wedding and plan not to have a bridal party - just us there at the altar.  But typically, brides hand off their bouquet to the maid of honor to hold during the ceremony, espeically for the vows and ring exchange.  So I was considering having my mom or best friend just come up and grab them, or having a small table behind the officiant that I can just put them on...  I don't know.

Anyone chosen to have a ceremony with no bridal party?  What did you do with your flowers?


Re: No bridal party - what to do with my bouquet during ceremony?

  • In Response to <a href="">No bridal party - what to do with my bouquet during ceremony?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi Ladies.  So, my fiance and I are having a small (<40) destination wedding and plan not to have a bridal party - just us there at the altar.  But typically, brides hand off their bouquet to the maid of honor to hold during the ceremony, espeically for the vows and ring exchange.  So I was considering having my mom or best friend just come up and grab them, or having a small table behind the officiant that I can just put them on...  I don't know. Anyone chosen to have a ceremony with no bridal party?  What did you do with your flowers? Thanks!
    Posted by nancyschmancey[/QUOTE]

    <div>Assuming that you'll greet you mother at the end of the aisle, you could just give it to her. </div>
  • Give it to your mom.
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  • I think either way would be fine.
  • My officiant placed my bouquet on the train of my dress during our ring exchange :)
  • i think handing it off to anyone would be no big deal.
  • okay, good.  some people gave me weird looks when i said i wasn't going to have a bridal party, so thought i'd check. thanks!
  • I love the no bridal party! We are doing the same thing and get the same remarks
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  • When you need your hands to be free, just turn around and put it on a chair in the front row close-by.  If someone is sitting there, ask them to hold it for 2 min.  They'll smile and be absolutely delighted.  Now ... go worry about something else.  Smile
  • For my first wedding, I didn't have a bridal party.  I handed my mother my flowers and she held them during the ceremony.
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  • Thanks for asking the question!  We are not having a bridal party either and I was wondering what I would do with the bouquet!

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