Rhode Island

Fri, Sat, Sun??

Due to prices at certain venues being significantly less on Fridays and Sundays I have thought a little about chaning but I LOVE my date so I'm not sold on the idea. 

Does anyone who had a Friday or Sunday wedding have any input?  Did any of your guests complain?  Didn't care?  Would you care? 

Friday I worry about work and Sunday about work for Monday - why must Saturdays be so expensive!!
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Re: Fri, Sat, Sun??

  • edited December 2011
    I went to a Friday wedding this summer, and it was actually better.  I am from RI and the wedding was in Maine.  I had to take that Friday out of work to drive there, and we did have to stay over, but we left the next morning and still had the whole weekend to ourselves, which was nice (esp in the summer when every weekend is packed with parties, etc).  If you think about it, 1 day of vacation for someone you care about, it's not that much of a big deal, but it may be more for people who have to travel from farther away (which means they'd be taking vacation time anyways).

    I had to compromise and booked a Friday wedding myself, but most of our family is local, so for them, they'd only have to take 1/2 a day because our ceremony is at 3 PM.

    My friend did say she was a bit surprised at the people who said they wouldn't be able to go because of her Friday wedding, but she also realized the sacrifice other people made to be there and that was really special for her.

    Overall I think it's a personal decision, but the people who care most about you won't worry about some extra time out of work, because they love you and want to be a part of your special day.  If you give people enough notice of the date, I don't see a problem with being able to take off of work.
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  • jamlyn02jamlyn02 member
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    We are having a Saturday afternoon wedding (11:30am to 5pm), and with doing that it's saving us a good amount of money compared to having it Saturday night.
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  • Camry08Camry08 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    My wedding is on a Saturday. But since it's in November I was able to get off peak season prices for some of my vendors.  I went to weddings on Fridays and Sundays and a lot of guests attended.  If you decide to have your wedding on a Friday or Sunday would you consider doing so over a holiday weekend? 
  • i2012doi2012do member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I am having a Saturday wedding , but only because 1/2 of our guests are coming in from the West Coast.
    Also, a lot of the bridal party isnt from around here so that meant them taking a Thurs and Fri off (for the rehearsel).

    My best friend had a friday wedding. Here is what I liked: I got a day (well a day and a half because i had to leave work early to get to her 3:00 thurs rehearsal) out of work, we had the ENTIRE weekend to ourselves (which was great after, since i got engaged teh next day), we got to dance and stay up late- and still had a "day off after.
    Here is what i didint like Take into consideration that if you have an afternoon wedding on a Friday- at some point your guests wil be traveling in rush hour. My bf didnt (love her dearly but she didint even think of it). Trying to get from northern RI to Newport at 4"30 on a Friday in June was a nightmare. It took us almost 2 hrs to get to the venue. We missed cocktail hour and the wedding was running SO late that they had to pay to add time onto the wedding.
    Also, if you are a guest and don't have the day off- you are in a bit of a scramble to get ready on time.

    My other friend had a Sunday wedding. It was nice because you didnt have to deal with work etc.
    However, at a lot of people left really early (even we left at 10 pm). People either had to drive back or had to work the next day. I felt like people dindt really "let looose" there as barely anyone dancing or at the bar (which was great for their bar tab. And by 10ish (the wedding ended at 11), more than half the room had headed out or was leaving because even locals had at least a small driev to get home and get ready for bed, ready for work.
    If you have a Sunday though, people dont have to take any time off work!
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  • JandA7406JandA7406 member
    Sixth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    We don't have a large guest list to begin with but most people will be from Newport, NY or Maine.  I think most of them would attend on a Friday over a Sunday and since they will have (most likely) a year+ notice, it seems that it would work.  My dilemma is that I LOVE our date, the 7th, only because part of me wanted something that meant a little more to us...2013 will be our 7th year together so 7+7 get it?? lol

    I think it will come down to the venue we really want regarding a Friday or Saturday, if it is pricier and I can get cheaper things on Friday then I may go for it.  I do like that fact that my guests can take the day or 1/2 day and who doesn't like that and still have the entire weekend.  And let's face it the drives from NY and Maine are only 3 1/2hrs.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Definitely do Friday over Sunday (if you cant do Saturday of course!) I went to both a friday and sunday night wedding and Friday was SO FUN, everyone usually takes a half day on Friday and its a great way to begin your weekend! Sunday everyone left early (including myself) and no one drinks that much since most have work the next day...boooring!
  • RoyalOrientRoyalOrient member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I attended a Friday wedding and like most people took half a day off which isn't an issue but I did have to make arrangements well in advance. As for Sunday weddings, I leave a little early if it ends late (12 am) but it has never been an issue for me to get up the next day for work. I got married on a Sunday but a holiday Sunday - most people had the day off and since half of my guest list was from out of town, they made the most of the Memorial Day weekend by turning it into a mini vacation. My personal preference is weekend pm weddings, doesn't matter if it is Friday, Saturday or Sunday. 
  • jmorta04jmorta04 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I had a Sunday wedding, but it was a holiday weekend with Monday off.  If you don't have a holiday weekend, I would suggest Friday over Sunday for all of the reasons listed above.  
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  • edited December 2011
    We're doing a formal Sunday wedding from 3-8pm. We saved over $4,500 by going this way. We have alot of older relatives in our family so it is respectful to them and for those people who have to work (can get home in time without feeling pressured to stay late). For those who are in it for the party, they can take time off from work on Monday - we'll be having an after party (location hasn't been decided yet) most likely with a keg and music. I personally felt like Sunday was the better option because no one was forced into taking time off from work, unless they wanted to/have the time to. BUT I love weddings no matter what day and if the people that are coming are that important to you, will make time in their schedule to celebrate with you.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I am having a Friday evening wedding. (Ceremony at 530, Cocktail hour and reception 6-Midnight). Whenever i tell people this they seem to like the idea. I like the idea a. for money saving reasons, and b. not many people ( that i know anyway) have had friday weddings, and it will sort of give people something to look forward to (hopefully) during the week!

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  • shaina925shaina925 member
    500 Comments Second Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    I am having a Thursday wedding!  SOOOO much cheaper!  Weddings are not only for Saturdays.
  • edited December 2011
    my wedding is on a friday. at first we were really against it b.c so many ppl are coming from out of state. but, now its kind of nice because it wont take ppl's whole weekend driving back and forth from NJ and CT. they can stay into sunday if they want and make a little trip out of it or go home on saturday and still have sunday left to relax and do errands or whatever before they go back to work on monday. we are also getting our venue and room blocks (since thursday is considered weekday) at a steal! it actually worked out better!
  • edited December 2011
    We just had a Friday wedding. Guests loved having the whole weekend to enjoy themselves afterward. We received no complaints. Also, hotels were a bit cheaper for guests staying Thursday night, and we saved a bit on vendors.
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