Rhode Island

Wanted your opinions on my centerpieces

Wooden Lighthouse

I was thinking of staining and not painting them to make them more elegant. I planned on placing them on a sea glass charger with sand, seashells and small starfish and maybe a small sand dollar with a lighted tealight on top.  What are your thoughts?? We are having a beach themed wedding. TIA 

Re: Wanted your opinions on my centerpieces

  • RoyalOrientRoyalOrient member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I love the idea! But how tall are these? Hopefully not too tall that they would obstruct the view. Definitely set up a mock centerpiece to get an idea of the size too. Definitely a unique idea though. :-)
  • jbeaupre75jbeaupre75 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    They are 15 and 3'4 inches high.  The picture I posted is zoomed in so they appear taller.  Should I paint them or just stain them? Any thoughts?  I thought stained would look better than painted.
  • vegasgrrl24vegasgrrl24 member
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I wonder if there is a process you can do first and see how it looks and if you don't like can go over w/ the other process? Also, having one that is different could be foryour head table or maybe do a mix? They're super cute.


  • edited December 2011
    Great idea for your centerpieces. 
    Would rustic/aged work for you? I think white-washing them, instead of painting or staining is another good option.

    I wasn't able to find a picture of a white washed lighthouse, but here's one of a lantern for inspiration;

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  • jbeaupre75jbeaupre75 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I like the white wash look it makes it have a more coastal feel. ANy suggestions on how to do it??  I would prefer not to have different ons as the last post suggested.  However with the white wash they will not all look the same but I think they would look great if I could pull it off.  I was having trouble finding lighthouse lanterns and the one's I found were relatively shorter.  Pier one has one that is $10 that I have been coontemplating but I think the taller ones would be better.  Thanks for your white wash suggestion I am going to look into the process.
  • edited December 2011
    Glad I could help!

    Here's a technique I found;


    There's also a lot of info about mixing white paint, lime and water...but if you can find a white stain that would probably be easiest.
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