Rhode Island

Outdoor ceremony/reception in Bristol late September

Any thoughts on having an outdoor ceremony/reception in Bristol (colt state park) in September? I'm just not sure if it will be too cold. . . I'm not too familiar with the area so not sure what I could expect....

Re: Outdoor ceremony/reception in Bristol late September

  • I posted on your other post about Colt State Park.  PM if you have any questions
  • September is gorgeous down here! It's usually on the warm side during the days, and nights don't get below 60 usually. It can be a bit windy, especially on the water like Colt Park is. I think you'll be fine, but you may want to encourage ladies to bring a wrap just in case.
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  • You should be fine. It can still be very warm in September.
  • We got married at Blithewold on September 23. It wasn't too cold, but it rained for most of the reception. The week of the wedding, the weather was pretty nice, but variable. You can absolutely have a lovely wedding in Briistol in late September, just be sure you have a backup plan in case of rain or cold.
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