So this am I got an email from my photographer- canceling on our wedding. She has been diagnosed with a serious health condition and won't be doing weddings anymore. Since our wedding is so far out, she started with the furthest back and is canceling as many as she can. I feel really bad because she's pretty young and hope that its something that she will eventually power through.
I know there are a Million and one photographer posts on here - and I kind of went through pulling out names--but needed a little direction perhaps.
Here is what I was getting with my current photog:
for $2200 (I locked in 2010 pricing- the same package was now 2600)
8 hours, 2 shooters, a disc with my images, no album
So I really want an artsy kind of rustic vibe to my photos-- think the photos you see all the time on style my pretty front pages. Something a bit subdued.
Maybe like a bit melissa robotti style- minus the price tag.
I had contacted a few photographers I was willing to splurge on before: Melissa robotti, sara zarella, but as time passes and things keeps coming up: New car, the ability to possibly be able to buy a house sooner rather than later etc, I have become less excited to spend money on my wedding- and have become this crazy saver--- so I really want to stay around that $2000 mark.
This is pretty upsetting to FI because he loved loved loved our photog and thought she was amazing.
here is her site so you can get an idea of the pics we were looking for: me!!
167 Invited
34 Attending
Declined 4
Still Waiting 129