Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Wedding cost at St. Anne's Catholic Church Houston TX

Hello ladies does anyone know how much it costs to get married at St. Anne's in Houston TX. I cannot find any prices online.

Re: Wedding cost at St. Anne's Catholic Church Houston TX

  • You probably have to be a member there first. Call the parish office.

    Catholic ceremony prices range anywhere from $100-$1000 depending on your region. Catholic marriages also require at least 6 months of preparation, pre-cana, etc.

    Good luck!
  • Check out their website and then call them. It appears they have regularly run premarital classes you'd have to attend first.
  • For most Catholic churches you need to be a member and complete pre-cana courses in order to get married there.

    Also, in addition to the fee for the church, you will need to pay the organist/musician, priest and alter servers.
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