Rhode Island

Rehearsal Dinner Help

hi all - we have already sent out save the dates for our wedding in september (mostly because our wedding is the boat show weekend in newport and virtually everyone is OOT) but now I am rethinking the rehearsal dinner. we have the coast guard house in narragansett booked right now (FI's mom only put a $100 deposit). after thinking about it and esp while doing save the dates - I really don't think it is going to hold all the ppl we need it to - it only holds about 40. I think that we are going to have more people than that. we are going to have naturally the bridal party and spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends, anyone else in the ceremony, readers, etc. priest and immediate family. that alone may be 40 ppl. let alone ppl who I know are coming in from out of town and are going to be here. I know everyone is different with who they invite to the dinner but I really don't think it will be enough. I think I will change the location - but to where? the church is in Kingston and guest accomodations are in Middletown. suggestions for another restauant? It  also worries me a little  to change the place because I don't want FI's mom to think she can invite a bunch more people - not that she would do that or anything ;) but I think we will be cramped. I know I have time to figure this out - but it's been on my mind. any help is appreciated, thanks!

Re: Rehearsal Dinner Help

  • i2012doi2012do member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011

    Well if you think you are going to have more than 40, then it might be tight there, especially because the layout is an L shape.

    I would make a list of every possible person that might be at the rehearsel and then go from there.

    Have you considered Trio? Its right next door pratically. Or Spain has a bit more room.

    167 Invited image 34 Attending image Declined 4 image Still Waiting 129 image
  • edited December 2011
    If accomodations are in Middletown, you might want to consider sticking in that vicinity so it's easiest for more people, and people can really relax and enjoy themselves. I forget where you said your reception is? Is it ABC? If not, I had my rehearsal there in the downstairs private room and it can hold loads of people. Other ideas is Sardella's Restuarant on Memorial in Newport. Parking is right behind the restaurant, there's no room fee, and food is amazing. I'm pretty sure they have a room that holds 75 people. I believe the Viking Hotel also has smaller rooms you can rent. Newport Vineyards has a tent attached to the tasting room, though then you have to deal with a caterer and such. We had looked at doing it on a cruise boat - the Majastic - that leaves from downtown Newport. They have everything you'll need, including a chef. Something fun and different! The Safari Room, which is the restaurant inside Ocean Cliff, also does rehearsal dinners. Or 22 Bowen's has a private room. It really depends on the atmosphere you're looking for! Let me know if I'm on the right track and I'll think of some other ideas! :-)
    And BTW, you're not too early to be thinking of this since it IS boat show weekend and stuff books up quickly!
    We're selling some things left from our wedding! http://weddinggoodsforsale.weebly.com/ Visit The Nest! Visit The Nest! Anniversary
  • edited December 2011
    thank you both for your suggestions! yeah the thing with coast guard house is tricky. they do have a private room upstairs - but FI's mom and me both did not like it. it is a dark narrow staircase to go up and down and no way was that going to work for her parents or my grandma. so we asked them to block off the dining room, which i thought would be fine but it is just not going to work. i also worry about parking over there and regular diners on the other side of the divider. nevermind we would have to re customize the menu to stuff i would eat. Im a little picky and they want to cover everything in cream sauce. not really sure why we booked there in the first place as Im typing all this out haha. i am going to make a list. i love that idea. and i think it will be more than 40. even if it comes right at 40, i want to have the more room if i need it. i dont know who will actually be coming into town early - some say they are that probably wont and others that say they wont - probably will. you guys know the drill. :) FI does not like trio! i love it, but he complains about it - spain may also be too far for guests to go back to middletown, although that is a great idea too. i swear, if the wedding was smaller-  i would have looked into spain.
    dberrett - wedding is at ABC. you are right :) i love the sardellas idea!  dont know why we didnt think of it. people can park in the shopping center behind and they have that back room. FI and i go a lot in the winter for the specials during the week. plus his whole fam is italian. viking and safari room are great ideas too - but we looked both at oceancliff and viking for the actual wedding and it was too expensive and i think deep down FI has a grudge (i kinda made the executive decision on ABC after we had looked at virtually every venue in the state and also mystic, CT) ;) so that may not be such a good idea! you are definitely on the right track. I think I will call sardellas today to see if they can even do it. it would be a thursday night, since wedding is friday which may help.
    ps- went to ranew last night - mentioned that you and i had talked on this board to beth - she was so excited to hear about the good reviews! :)
  • edited December 2011
    I hope that Sardellas works out for you! They are super yummy! I had looked into having my parent's 40th anniversary party there and their prices are REALLY reasonable. They have tons of different room options so I'd be surprised if they couldn't do it. It would be perfect for your Italian family! Yay :-) Keep me posted!
    LOL - too funny about Beth! She's hysterical and awesome! I'm due for another 'do in a few weeks, too!
    We're selling some things left from our wedding! http://weddinggoodsforsale.weebly.com/ Visit The Nest! Visit The Nest! Anniversary
  • edited December 2011

    hi dberrett - and anyone else reading this - FMIL didn't go for sardella's which I was shocked by! so we are back to the drawing board for rehearsal dinner ideas. FI said newport or middletown would be good b/c it's near the hotels for the guests to go back but was thinking something on the water (hence why we are at CG house now) the only water places I can think are Bowens and Mooring...which Mooring I've heard has crazy minimums...ideas? thanks again!!! really appreciate it!

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