Rhode Island

My Shower is Sunday!

So, Sunday is my shower at Chelos on the Water! and it marks 70 days until the wedding (OMG)... I haven't written many posts on here aside from responding and I haven't been blogging as much because I've been so busy with our new house and doing wedding things...feel like I can't stop to catch a breath! I had my first real meltdown this week. I'm starting to feel like a real bride haha.

Sunday looks to be a beautiful day and I'm starting to get really excited!!
Happily Married!! 5.29.11 was THE best day of our lives!

>-{ Blog - K5 Becomes A Bride }-<

>-{ Wedding Items FOR SALE }-<

Re: My Shower is Sunday!

  • i2012doi2012do member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Congrats! This is really exciting and its like another big step towards the wedding!!
    It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend!! It will be soo nice there :)
    Have an awesome time!
    167 Invited image 34 Attending image Declined 4 image Still Waiting 129 image
  • MM5678MM5678 member
    edited December 2011
    How exciting!
  • jmorta04jmorta04 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Enjoy every minute of it!  Make sure you come back with a recap and pictures! :)
    Married July 2011; TTC since April 2011
    HSG and CD3 B/W - normal; SIS - one fibroid not impacting uterus; Several SA - low numbers across the board
    Moving right to IVF with ICSI
    ER: 8/17/12; 13R, 11M, 9F
    ET: 8/20/12; 2 "beautiful" embies transferred and 1 frobaby on ice
    Beta #1: 8/31/12 - BFP at 89!
    Beta #2: 9/3/12 - 315
    Beta #3: 9/10/12 - 6,109
    1st U/S: 9/24/12 - One little bean with a strong heartbeat!
    It's a boy!
    PAIF/SAIF welcome!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    The Blog: Project Make a Baby
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • KBinRIKBinRI member
    edited December 2011
    Ooh, you're getting so close! Have a great time at your shower! I thought I'd be nervous or feel weird being the center of attention, but I could seriously get used to being showered with awesome gifts! Laughing
    Kristen and Bryan ~ 10-10-10 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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