South Carolina

Alterations Greenville SC

I am contemplating making my wedding dress that is straight strapless into a sweatheart neckline.  I need help with alterations? Does anyone or has anyone done this with their wedding dress in the greenville, sc area?

Any suggestions will help! I heard kittys alterations was good off of laurens road?! (any former customer comments)?


Re: Alterations Greenville SC

  • Dimetrias does great alterations! If your concerned about price; try looking up local seamstress Carolyn mason. She lives in the Greer area and is super affordable. She did all my pageant and prom gowns in high school. Look her name up in the phone book! :)
  • Never used Kitty's but Hannah's Alterations on Woodruff Road is amazing. Been going to him for 10 years now. Has done many bridesmaid, prom, and everyday clothes for me.
  • Do you know if Hannah's can do bustles and/or padding for the chest? 
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