Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions


Would you be ok with everyone staring at you in a public park? That is where I am having my ceremony and reception. I am nervous about being the center of attention.


Re: Park

  • On your wedding day, you are going to be very focused on the wedding itself, and a casual on-looker or two won't even register on your radar.   I thinka public park sounds lovely:-)
  • We're having ours in a park, we are renting the ampitheater area for the ceremony but as part of that, the island gazebo is ours as well (regretably too small for the ceremony but still great for pics).  What I was most paranoid about was random people in the background of the photos!! At least we can rope off the bridge to the gazebo so any people that may be at the park that day will hopefully respect our wishes and stay our of the shots ;)  The walkway around the (huge) duckpond is fair game though.  I know if I stumbled across a wedding at a park I may be inclined to watch but from a respectable distance :)  
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I know I will be having all the attention on me but mostly strangers. Now I feel much better thanks

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