New York-Upstate

Parent Gifts

What are you giving your parents as gifts??

Re: Parent Gifts

  • mrbw77mrbw77 member
    edited December 2011
    We only had to buy for my mom since my father and FI's parents are all deceased. We bought her a ruby pendant.
  • edited December 2011
    So, what is the tradition with the parent gift?  When do you give it to them?  What kinds of things do people give?  Color me stupid but I didn't know I had to do this.  My FH's parents are both deceased so it would be just mine. 
  • ckobrideckobride member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    We gave my parents a gift certificate for 2 nights to their favorite hotel on the ocean in Glouchester, MA.  We gave it to them at the rehearsal dinner after saying a few words thanking them for throwing the wedding and being a great role model for a marriage to us.
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