
Buying pre-made bouts and corsages?

I am DIYing my flowers since I am using calla lilies and they are relatively easy to make into bouquets.  However, I am not crafty enough to make bouts I don't think and was wondering if florists would just make those for a person?  The site I am ordering my callas from does it, but the quantiies they offer do not work for what I need.

Re: Buying pre-made bouts and corsages?

  • edited December 2011
    You could ask but my bet is no. I totally think you could make your own bouts, especially with a couple peoples help - they are super easy (I suppose that is, depending on what you want them to look like!). I suggest going to the store and getting a few callas and doing some test bouts with them before the day. That way you will know how to do it and know what works to make them the fastest. There are tons of sites that give you step by step instx on how to DIY bouts - you can totally do it!
    ~ Trish Finfer

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