
The Green Kangaroo Designs - Invitations & More!

Alright gals - I have to tell you! 

I got the best invitation package - ever. I ordered the "frugal" invitations from The Green Kangaroo Designs (http://www.tgkdesigns.com) and I was so happy. They offer a special deal in February, and I got all of my envelopes addressed for free. 

With the rush charge, shipping, taxes, the whole nine yards - I got 150 invitations, inner envelopes (printed), outer envelopes with names, addresses, and return addresses, a map/directions card and a RSVP for $650. 

After I did it, I was a little worried that I hadn't ordered a proof - but it was down to crunch time, and I didn't have many options. 

I was so happy when they came in. My invitations look great! I feel like I got an amazing package for a great price. They had a lot of options to choose from - and I cannot emphasize how great the design work was on my invitations. These looked individual - like they were made just for me - because they were! 

Check them out, play on their website, and I'm sure you'll find something you like! 

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