Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

alternatives for a unity candle

I really like the concept of a unity candle but I don't think the church we are getting married in allows lite candles. doe anyone have any suggestions for alternatives? thanks

Re: alternatives for a unity candle

  • A bit of searching on this board and via Google will return a ton of alternatives.  Sand, wine box, hand fasting - probably 3 of the most common.
  • My Aunt is a Minister and she suggested the following for our wedding ceremony: 

    salt covenant that people in history used to do when they entered marriage or in a covenant with someone. The way it works is that each person has a small container of salt. Each person takes a pinch of their salt and puts it in the others container and stirs it with their finger. Then the minister explains covenant and that these two have entered into a binding covenant that will last until they can separate their salt out of the other’s container. (impossible) It is just a symbol of the everlasting marriage covenant that you are entering into.
  • We took communion together. In general, I feel any kind of unity ceremony is superfluous, since a wedding is the ultimate expression of unity anyway. Sharing the Lord's Supper was meaningful to us, though, so that's what we did.
  • My fiance are doing a wine ceremony instead of a unity candle one.
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  • We did the cord of three strands. See link below:
  • OsterizerOsterizer member
    edited June 2012
    I wasn't a fan of unity candles either.  Our pastor gave us the idea of a flower exchange with the moms.  I gave a flower to my MIL and H gave a flower to my mom.  It was nice and it was a total surprise to them.
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  • My FH and I are doing unity sand

    I have heard of literally "tying the knot"

    one girl I know was a gamer and so her and her husband plugged in their remote controls into a system (odd, but kinda cool)

    a stone ceremony.  As each guest enters the ceremony site they're given a small polished stone.  During the ceremony the officiant asks them to place a blessing on the stone for the couple.  Someone collects the stones, they're all combined at the altar and then the bride and groom add their own stones.

    a ring warming ceremony (pass your rings through the hands of each of your guests as they think of best wishes and blessings, then you do your vows ^_^ )

    tree ceremony
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  • edited June 2012
    My FI and I are doing a lasso and arras.  It's a Mexican tradition, but I think it could work for any background.

    The groom gives the bride Arras - a container of 13 coins. In addition to being a sort of dowry, the Arras symbolized the groom's promise (and ability) to support his family.

    (Lasso or El Lazo) As part of the ceremony to symbolize unity, a large loop of rosary beads is placed in a figure eight shape around the necks of the couple after they have exchanged their vows.  Usually the MOH places the lasso around the shoulders of the bride and groom, groom's shoulder's first. The lasso may also be tied around their wrists. The couple wears the lasso throughout the remainder of the service.  The loop is symbolic of their love which should bind the couple together everyday as they equally share the responsibility of marriage for the rest of their lives.  It is removed after the ceremony by the priest.
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  • My fiance and I are doing a unity cross, since you are having your wedding in a church this might be perfect for you   here is a link with pictures and info   we chose it because we wanted something more modern than the unity candle/sand ceremony but still with deep meaning.  it is a little pricey, but they are having a sale right now
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