Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

get married in a church?

My fiance and I (and our families) are not religous so I am not sure if i want to get married in a church. My concern is how do you find someone to marry you if we dont marry in a church? Would it be easier and more economical to marry in a church? Am i being a hypocrite if i do marry in a church? I havent decided on a reception location for sure yet but the one im leaning toward is somewhere the ceremony could be held as well

Re: get married in a church?

  • I too, am surprised at the vehemance that has been brought into this discussion. However, I would have to say that I disagree with the majority of the opinion on this board and say you may choose to have your reception wherever you like with the following notes:1.     I believe that God/god is not present in any specific location more than anywhere else. Therefore, I do not believe a church is inherently more holy than any other site.2.     This is not up to the people of this website. It is not even up to you. The choice is the churches. They may say yes, and they may say no.3.     They cannot say yes or no if you do not ask them. Simply asking, if the intent is open and honest, is never wrong. 4.     If I saw a beautiful synagogue or cathedral or mosque, I would politely ask if I could hold a ceremony there that would not directly be opposed to their beliefs. For example, I would not serve pork in a synagogue.5.     At the end of the day, it is up to the people who own the building. You must respect their decision, and realize that you may never understand it. 
    I hope this is not too much like a blog entry!
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